Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Dream Carrie

I don't recollect if I've ever mentioned Dream Carrie on this lovely little blog before, but if I haven't, boy is she a sight to behold.
I'm pretty sure that Dream Carrie is the antithesis of Real Carrie. All of the things that I don't do in real life (drugs, drinking, teen pregnancy, etc.), Dream Carrie has done.
She's not a very moral person.
She's also apparently not very smart. Let me tell you why.
A couple of weeks ago, my parents went on a cruise to Alaska to celebrate their 36th wedding anniversary. They left me here in Oklahoma to take care of their house. I don't know when the trash gets picked up (I promise that will be relevant in a moment).
Actual Story:
I, as Dream Carrie (while living an oddly normal day, with no drug busts or robberies), was taking care of my parents house, and trying to remember the day that the trash man comes to take the rubbish away.
Sadly, I realized all too late that the trash was actually being picked up as I pondered on the time it would come. So, I naturally ran around like a maniac trying to gather all of the trash in the house, put it in my trunk and speed race towards the trash truck so that my trash wouldn't be left to soil my parents' garage (this is actually an activity that was a regular occurance in my house growing up. Understandable why Dream Carrie would follow that train of thought). However, in my haste to follow the trash man, a wonderous savoir came to my rescue. A hero in a red vest and an awesome car.
Yes, ladies and gentlemen. Marty McFly and Doc Brown drove up in a Delorean to take me back in time so that I wouldn't miss the trash man.
It may have been the greatest moment of my dream life.
Until I woke up and realized that Dream Carrie could have just given her trash to the time traveling duo to fuel their flux capacitor.
Stupid Dream girl. All those hypothetical drugs must have fried her brains.