Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Friday, May 27, 2011

Remember this song?

Kathleen and I used to listen to it. I would say on repeat, but we had it on a cassette tape, so we would listen to it, rewind, and listen again. For hours upon hours. My mom warned us that she was going to take the tape away, we didn't really believe her. Then she took it away, and hid it for about a year. When we finally got it back, we listened to it just as much. Oh man, this song brings back so many memories.
I really like how the birds and dogs dance along to the music in the video. Classy.

The moment you most wish you had gone to Hogwarts instead of BYU.

When you are moving 7 full boxes down your stairs.
If only I had a wand.
I would accio those boxes down stairs!
I'm sorry, I should show more respect to Dumbledore. He was the greatest wizard of all time.
I guess I was just channeling my 15 year old Harry Potter.

Biggest regret:
moving into a house that's 4 stories tall.

Biggest satisfaction:
not living on the top floor.

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

I have a desire.

To wash a car.
This one, to be exact:
Get in my bathing suit, take the hose with the gun sprayer, and wash a car.
If I was at home right now, my dad would let me wash his car. And it would be fun.
I could also settle with running through a sprinkler or going swimming.

In honor of Jim

For some reason, I've had many experiences with and conversations about the Muppets lately (my computer doesn't recognize that Muppets is a word. So sad). Not that this is a bad thing, I love the Muppets. I love the movies, the show, Sesame Street. Basically, Jim Henson had the Midas touch of entertainment. Everything he touched turned to golden beauty. So, I have some clips for you to watch, just to pay homage to the man behind the puppets.
There are a lot of them. You have been warned.

Monday, May 23, 2011


Right now, I'm regretting how many books I brought to/bought at college. Putting them all in one box makes it too heavy to pick up. So, they might be spread out between 4 boxes. Plus, I still have to pack all of my movies. I don't love packing. Even if I am good at it.

Sunday, May 22, 2011

Sorry, LFO, but I don't believe you.

Nobody loves Kevin Bacon but hates Footloose.

Red Eye

So, my flight to New York is a red eye. Leaving at midnight, arriving at 6 am.
But, don't worry, I'll make sure to have a pen on my person in case some really-good-at-being-a-bad-guy tries to get me.

Saturday, May 21, 2011

Kathleen gave me some pretty good advice today

Neville's experiences in the first few books hurts my heart.

When he's describing his experience finding out he wasn't a squib.
When he keeps forgetting things.
When he breaks his wrist.
When he describes his fear of Snape.
When you think about the fact that his name is Neville LONGBOTTOM.
When you find out about his parents.

Of course, Neville becomes one of the most amazing characters in the end. He's so awesome.
I just feel so bad for baby Neville.

Friday, May 20, 2011

June 6th.

It's gonna be a big day. Just sayin'.

Thursday, May 19, 2011


If his brother was Martin Sheen,
and his nephews were Emilio Estevez and Charlie Sheen (regardless of Charlie's current issues),
Joe Estevez had contacts.
I mean, come on.
Emilio and Charlie both worked with John Hughes.
Martin won 6 Emmy's and has a star on the Hollywood walk of fame.
But, did Joe use those contacts?
Even if he's not a wonderful actor, he could have gotten really great parts with those genes.
But, no, Joe did not use those contacts.
Instead, while his family went on to fame and fortune,
his movies went on to Mystery Science Theater: 3000.
He wore eyeliner in Soultaker.
And a bandana in Werewolf
and Joe, as much as I enjoy them making fun of you in MST3K, I would have taken the help from your family.

Speaking of Hello, Dolly!

I am really good at singing like Cornelius Hackl.
Just ask Dana or Kathleen.
I'm a pro.
(Out there, there's a world outside of Yonkers, way out there beyond this hick town Barnaby, there's a SLICK TOWN, Barnaby!
Out there, full of shine and full of sparkle, close your eyes and see it glisten, Barnaby, LISTEN, BARNABY!)

I'm going there!

Don't ask me when, I'm not sure yet, but I know that I'm going (even though it causes my mother much consternation).
I'm very excited.

I'm gonna be the [queen] of New York.
In the city that never sleeps.
The concrete jungle where dreams are made of.
I'm gonna take New York by storm.
And I won't come home until I fall in loooooooooooooove.
(So, put on your Sunday clothes, there's lots of world out there)

p.s. I made this

Feel free to be impressed.

Sunday, May 15, 2011

The lies of romantic comedies

I really like romantic comedies. Believe me, I do. I watch them all the time.

Usually, romantic comedies have a really romantic scene in the end where the girl and the guy meet in a public place, like a street or a park or somewhere else. They tell each other how much they love each other. Then they have some eyelash melting kiss and a beautiful song plays and all's right in the world. We all have tears in our eyes and hope in our hearts that we will someday have that same wonderful moment.

Have you ever thought about the people walking past them in that public place, though? How awkward it probably is for them? Let me be the one to tell you right now, they feel really uncomfortable.

Let me 'splain (no, is too much, let me sum up) (there's not too much, I just really love that line)

Today, I was waiting at the bus stop to go home. Because it's Saturday and I had just missed the bus, I was there for about 1/2 an hour. For that entire 30 minutes, there was a couple reenacting every romantic comedy ending. But, you know how in the movies the music comes in and the picture fades away? Before it gets too embarrassing for the audience? Yeah. They didn't do that. At one time, he bit her neck like a vampire. Creepy town.

There may have been tears in my eyes, but they weren't tears of happiness for the couple who finally got there lives together and are in love. They were tears about how much I wanted to be on the bus at that point.

Sunday, May 8, 2011

Today is the day we honor mothers.

There are a lot of wonderful mothers in my life. My three beautiful sisters, my grandmother, my aunts. All of my church leaders. Basically any woman who has set an example and made a difference in my life is a mother. And today, to all of you dear sweet mothers, I honor you. You are great.

However, as it is mother's day, I would like to take this post to thank my mother. Pamela. She is the beautiful, charming, hilarious woman who brought me life and made me the person I am today. She is amazing. She taught me about the gospel. She taught me how to sew a skirt and how to do a cart wheel. She listened to hours upon hours of me practicing the violin, which I know for a fact was not always pleasant on the ears. She made sacrifices to make sure that my life has been a happy one. I am so grateful for her goodness and her love. I know that without my mother, I would not be the person I am today. It is through the discipline and love that she showed me, the determination and effort she put into raising me, that I have had success in my life. Because of all of these reasons and more, I would like to take this time to thank my mother.

Mommy, I love you.

Friday, May 6, 2011

The sharpener on the back.

I have something awesome. Do you want to see it? It's pretty amazing.
Yeah, man. That is what I am talking about.
Some of them even have glitter.

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

another plus of having no roommates

You can sing in the shower at 10:00 at night at the top of your lungs.
In a weird voice. It's awesome.
You should try it with this song. It's super fun.

Monday, May 2, 2011

With my by myself

I am currently sans-roommates (As I have never once mentioned my actual address here, and am friends with those who read this blog and know where I live, I trust you guys to not come try to kill and R me in my sleep after learning this information). All of mine moved out and no one moved in.
There are good and bad things about this.

The good:
It is really clean in my apartment. Seriously. Nothing out of place, all the dishes done. Everything.
I can listen to whatever I want, watch whatever I want, make as much noise as I want. Basically I don't have to worry about offending anyone. Even when I don't sleep with pants on (yeah, I said it).

The bad:
Because I don't have much human contact, I've kind of taken to... talking to myself? Not all the time, just every once in a while. Maybe if it were all the time it would make more sense, but since it's not, it's just really awkward.
Also, most of my to-myself-statements end with "whaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaat?"
I know, it's weird. I totally would understand if you guys don't want to be my friend anymore. I realize I may have just freaked you all out a lot.