Saturday, July 31, 2010

i get to take a shower, i get to take a shower

this is what i sing every time i'm about to take a shower.
like right now.

i have a problem. of the organizational type.

my closet doesn't have a door,
so i can't hide any mayhem that may be inside.
which is all fine and good, until you see my shoes.(poor shoes. look how crowded they are. they probably think i don't love them. but i do.)
so, basically, i need a new way to organize my shoes.

but i don't know what to do.
i'd LOVE to do this:

but i live in an apartment, and they frown upon adding fixtures, or paint.
if you have any ideas, you feel free to throw em out there.

Friday, July 30, 2010

best quotes from book 4 (part 1)

this book has a lot, as it is hilarious.

"Really?" said Mr. Weasley's voice excitedly. "Eclectic, you say? With a plug? Gracious, I must see that.... Let's think...ouch, Ron!"
Ron's voice now joined the others'. "What are we doing here? Has something gone wrong?"
"Oh no, Ron," came Fred's voice, very sarcastically. "No, this is exactly where we wanted to end up."
"Yeah, we're having the time of our lives here," said George, whose voice sounded muffled, as though he was squashed against the wall."

"Percy's enjoying work, then?" said Harry, sitting down on one of the beds and watching the Chudley Cannons zooming in and out of the posters on the ceiling.
"Enjoying it?" said Ron darkly. "I don't reckon he'd come home if Dad didn't make him. He's obsessed. Just don't get him onto the subject of his boss.
According to Mr. I was saying to Mr. Crouch...Mr. Crouch is of the opinion...Mr. Crouch was telling me...They'll be announcing their engagement any day now."

"Just put them on, Archie, there's a good chap. You can't walk around like that, the Muggle at the gate's already getting suspicious--"
"I bought this in a Muggle shop," said the old wizard stubbornly. "Muggles wear them."
women wear them, Archie, not the men, they wear these," said the Ministry wizard, and he brandished the pinstriped trousers.
"I'm not putting them on," said old Archie in indignation. "I like a healthy breeze 'round my privates, thanks."

"Ron pulled out his Omnioculars and started testing them, staring down into the crowd on the other side of the stadium.
"Wild!" he said, twiddling the replay knob on the side. "I can make that old bloke down there pick his nose again...and again...and again..."

Thursday, July 29, 2010

a belated happy birthday.

really, it's only by a day.
and i did say happy birthday on her birthday,
but i'd like to say it publicly.
(or if you'd like to be french, alisooooooooooon)
i love you,
you're my best friend and i'm so excited that it's your birthday,
or was yesterday.

yes, that last one is alison and i. she's the one on the left with the sweet head. i'm the one on the right with the sweet hair.

katie lee, this is for you

this is katie:
isn't she pretty?
well, katie and i met our freshmen year.
she lived downstairs, and later became roommates with dana.

we bonded over several things.
the office
bill cosby
high school musical
being the youngest
not being good at sports

now, we're in advertising together, and it's SO MUCH FUN to have classes with katie.
she's fun and exciting and has a very infectious laugh.
today, katie asked me if i could mention something, and this is for katie.
remember Henry V?
remember how i said that i also watched Romeo and Juliet?
well, katie and dana, when they lived together, would watch that movie a lot.
over and over and over.
and i also love that movie.
it is fantastic.
so here, katie, this is for you.
but also for me.

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

k, i'm just talkin about movies a lot this week.

when i was little, probably about 9 or 10,
daisy decided that it was time kathleen and i started being educated in the finer works of literature.
as we were too young to read them (at this point in time, i doubt i'd ever finished a book) she had us watch the movies.
so, i watched Much Ado About Nothing at age 9, Romeo and Juliet (leo and claire danes) at age 12, and Henry V at about age 10.
today, we're talking about Henry V.
i'm reading it in my Shakespeare class, and it brought back a lot of memories.
i remember being inthralled by the film.
i didn't get what was going on, that's for darn sure, i kept turning around and being like "what does that mean?"
but i loved it.
kenneth branagh is amazing, christian bale brings tears.
however, the most climactic and heart wrenching part is the song sung in the end, while kenneth branagh carries the passed baby christian bale from the battlefield, and all the english carry their dead.
i don't care how many times i hear the song or watch the clip. i get choked up.
here's that clip:

you really should watch the whole movie.
it's amazing.

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Two dollars!

have i ever mentioned that i love this movie?
photo courtesy of
really. probably one of the best 80s movies.
john cusack plays a teenage boy trying to win back his girlfriend.
what's so great though, is that this movie illustrates how every teenager feels.
his mom is crazy
everybody wants to date his girlfriend after they break up
he's the only one who doesn't get math
it's over exaggerated and hilarious and great.

this weekend, i watched better off dead, and was reminded that i love the song from the dance scene.

and, after years of trying to find it, i finally did.
it's on my ipod, and i've been listening to it for 2 days straight.
oh man.

Monday, July 26, 2010

the cheese filled hot dog incident

today i ate a cheese filled hot dog.
but it reminded me of one of the most hilarious and kismet occurrence of all time.
it involves dana. and a cheese filled hot dog.
you see, she was eating one.
the cheese had apparently built up a pressure inside her hot dog.
when she bit into it, the cheese squirted up her nose.
it burned her.
and it was really quite comical.

i do love me a cheese filled hot dog, though

i realized something today

i don't like pop tarts
i realize that i may be the only american under the age of 95 that can say that,
but *shiver* ugh.
today, i hadn't eaten breakfast,
so i went to the vending machine
pop tarts are breakfast food,
i bought it
ate it,
and immediately wished i had a delorean and could go back and stop myself.


Saturday, July 24, 2010


taking out your contacts with residue of aloe vera on your fingers?

Thursday, July 22, 2010

the freaky sunburn

ok, so i know that i've talked about weird sunburns before.
on my knees
on my hairline
but today's? today's takes the cake.
in the last 72 hours, i spent 21 getting ready and helping with this:
it's was awesome. absolutely amazing.
i wore sunscreen, but apparently not enough. because, this is what came out:

but it was totally worth it.

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

bathroom on the right

so, as i've mentioned before, i grew up listening to older music.
one of the bands that i listened to quite often was Creedence Clearwater Revival (CCR).
this is one of my favorite songs of theirs

however, i obviously wasn't a good listener when i was little.
i thought they said
don't go 'round tonight
well, it's bound to take your life
there's a bathroom on the right.

which is obviously confusing, because
what does a bathroom have to do with this song?

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

tom, i like your shoes.

have you ever seen these shoes?photo courtesy of
have you by any chance ever tried them on?
because they are by far the most comfortable shoes that have ever graced my feet.
but that's not the only reason i like them.
the most important reason i like them is because when i bought them, TOMS gave a pair of shoes to little kids who needed them.
p.s. that's an awesome advertising/marketing scheme. i know that that's not the reason it's done, but personally, i paid more for these shoes than i usually would because of that.
reason number 2, they make my feet look small. i am a size 9, not too big, but not small. any shoe that makes my feet look smaller is a good shoe for me.
and reason number 3? the lining has ANIMALS on it! rhinos! and elephants!
they are just such amazing shoes.

Monday, July 19, 2010

wow wow wow wow wow wow wow wow

remember my awesome problem?
well, there's another word i say all the time.
it's wow.
only it usually comes out sounding like "WghOW!"
i sometimes sound like this guy


remember my bruises?
well, i was talking to my mom about them the other day.

mom, i look like someone beat me with a metal rod.
carrie, you are deficient in iron, you should eat more red meat.
mom, i can't afford red meat.

so, i found something else to fulfill my iron requirement.
i know, some of you are probably thinking,
ew. gross.
about 7 years ago, i would have thought the same exact thing.
i hated lentils. with a deep and severe passion.
my mom would put them in weird things. like spaghetti sauce. and soup (they're actually not that bad in soup)
then mom found dahl.
dahl is delicious.
it's indian food.
heavy in curry and rice and lentils and tomatoes.
it makes your house smell like bombay house.
it's delicious.
i will be eating it in approximately 3 minutes.


i have matching mosquito bites.
one on each foot. (well, actually, more than one on each foot, but they match on each foot)
i kind of wish i could take an xacto knife to them.
they just itch so bad.

Sunday, July 18, 2010

i tried making this post yellow, but it was illegible.

alright, i don't know where this obsession came from. it just kind of sprang on me.
but lately, i've been a little obsessed with yellow.
today, i bought yellow shoes and a yellow umbrella.
then i looked through the pottery barn catalog.
every time something yellow popped up in the my vision, my "i want that" radar went zing!
i want to live in a yellow house (which i did grow up in) with yellow walls, and yellow furniture, and yellow accessories.
i'm not sure how this is going work with my plan of living in the blue and orange house.
maybe the yellow one will be my summer home
(because we all know that if i can have a pottery barn house, then i can obviously have a summer home.)

Saturday, July 17, 2010

dude, what's with the tude?

ok. i think that i have mentioned before that i ride the bus.
obviously, since i ride the bus, i don't have a car.
that is why i ride the bus.
therefore, it would make sense that, when running errands, i would ride the bus several times a day.
bus drivers deal with this all the time.
so, sir, why the heck are you going to look at me like i'm crazy every time i get on the bus.
yes, i did ride the bus from work to home, home to mall, mall to home, home to grocery store, grocery store to home.
i didn't expect the same bus driver to be driving the bus
every time.
dude. just accept that i ride the bus, and stop looking at me like i'm crazy.
just be grateful for the patronage of someone who's normal.


you know when you have a task that's incredibly daunting?
know how you just can't start? it's terrifying.
that's where i am right now.
all of my laundry is on the floor of my room.
it's clean, but i have to put it away.
that's what's terrifying.
not sure where the pic is from, probably getty or corbis.

Friday, July 16, 2010

where is the void?

where is the mystical place where all of my bobby pins go?
you buy them in packs fo 60-80, no?
you use them, you set them down, and then they disappear.
today, i only have one.
in my whole apartment,
i could only find one.
freak. where do they go?

my story's infinite, like the laundered symphony, it doesn't rest.

ok, i know that the song actually says Longines Symphonette, but i always thought it said laundered.
ps. weird music video. i love They Might Be Giants, but dang.

anyways, i need to do laundry today. badly.
not quite this bad, but still. it's laundry day.

blast off

so, i think i've mentioned before that kathleen and i were weird kids.
today, in my interior design class, my professor told a story that reminded me of another quirk we had.
here's the story he told:
when bloody marry was growing up, she got very sick.
she was a princess, so she was treated so.
a king of another country--france, germany, flanders, i'm not sure which--sent her oranges.
oranges were a delicacy, very rare.
her cook didn't know what to do with them, so he made something special: marmalade.
while he was telling this story, i was thinking about something else.
and kathleen.
here's our story:
i don't know why, but when we were little, we didn't like marmalade.
we thought it was gross.
i love it now.
my mom, however, liked it.
so, she made us eat it.
kathleen and i would hold our toast with marmalade, and chant the following:
(we would spit. we hated it that much.)
then we would pretend our toast was a rocket and blast it off.
neither of us know where this came from.
it just happened.

Thursday, July 15, 2010

best quotes from book 3

"What were you doin' down there?" said Stan, dropping his professional manner.
"Fell over," said Harry.
"'Choo fall over for?" sniggered Stan.
"I didn't do it on purpose," said Harry, annoyed.

"Hello, Percy," said Harry, trying not to laugh.
"I hope you're well?" said Percy pompously, shaking hands. It was rather like being introduced to the mayor.
"Very well, thanks--"
"Harry!" said Fred, elbowing Percy out of the way and bowing deeply. "Simply splendid to see you, old boy--"
"Marvelous," said George, pushing Fred aside and seizing Harry's hand in turn. "Absolutely spiffing."
Percy scowled.
"That's enough, now," said Mrs. Weasley.
"Mum!" said Fred as though he'd only just spotted her and seizing her hand too. "How really corking to see you--"

"The Ministry's providing a couple of cars," said Mr. Weasley.
Everyone looked up at him.
"Why?" said Percy curiously.
"It's because of you, Perce," said George seriously. And there'll be little flags on the hoods, with HB on them--"
"--for Humongous Bighead," said Fred.

Wednesday, July 14, 2010


i just realized that it's hard for me to type while i'm listening to music.
not because i try to type what the song is saying,
but because i get frustrated when my typing doesn't coordinate with the beat of the music.

it DOES exist!

i don't understand.
since last night, my blog has disappeared. i can see individual posts, but not the general page.
every time i try to just see the page, i get this pretty little message.

what the crap? this page does exist. apparently blogger lost it. that's why it's not found. dang it. can people actually see this? am i just writing to myself?

why do i like this?

i haven't been grocery shopping in a while.
it's been at least 2 and a half weeks.
(i'm going on friday. and i have excitement)
so, because of my lack of food, i have to be super creative with the food that i make.
today, i reverted back to a food that i used to eat growing up.
we never made it especially.
we made it if we had leftovers.
if we had noodles, but no sauce, we would melt butter in the noodles and pour in parmesan cheese.
i know. it sounds gross.
it doesn't look appetizing either.
and, i know, in my brain, that it doesn't really taste good.
but i like it.
i can't tell you why.
but i like it.

***read in a british accent***

for the past 2 and a half hours, i have been speaking in a british accent.
for the entire 2 and a half hours.
i don't know if you realize this, but when you speak in a british accent for almost three hours, it's difficult to stop.
physically difficult.
i should stop.
i'm not british.
i'm irish.
from oklahoma.
cheerio loves.

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

well, i am from Oklahoma

today, i am wearing cowboy boots.
i have never worn cowboy boots before.
besides when i was under the age of 10 and would wear my dad's around the house
but, my own cowboy boots? i've never worn them before.
but today i am.
and i feel pretty darn cute.
and, it's ok.
i'm from oklahoma.
we wear cowboy boots there.

i really love your peaches, wanna shake your tree.

this morning i ate a peach for breakfast on the way to school.
while walking to school, i was listening to this song.

now, i am aware that the peach i was eating and the peaches mentioned are not the same thing,
but it just seemed fitting.

Monday, July 12, 2010

gloomy town.

today is a gloomy day.
i don't know why.
it wasn't a bad day.
i actually had fun today,
but for some reason, when i got home and started making dinner, my mood got really dreary.
i don't understand it.
but i guess that's life.

dear gmail

if you continue to take your time to allow me to open up my emails, as you are now
(really? 5 minutes to open the site? really?)
i will be forced to take my patronage elsewhere.

in all seriousness, i love google too much to find another place to get emails. but i would like your consideration.

who says you can't go home?

one month from yesterday, i will leave utah.
for 15 days, i will be herephoto courtesy of
everyone say "hi, Broken Arrow!"
look how cute it is.
i know. it's exciting.
i will also get to see this sugar for the first timedon't you just want to kiss his little cheeks?
(the answer is yes, always yes)
i will also be finished with my finals and have a full 19 days off of school.

like pulling teeth.

have you ever had that experience?
you have a paper to write.
it's not hard.
only 4 pages
double spaced.
(for all of you high school kids, 4 pages double spaced equals not that hard anymore.
it's practically only 2 pages
you know what you're going to write about.
you know what you're going to use to write about it.
but, for some reason, you just cannot write it.
it's like pulling teeth.

Sunday, July 11, 2010

things that freak me out #1

i don't know if i've mentioned this before,
but i was reminded of it while watching gilmore girls.
the one in the first season, where dean kisses rory for the first time.
lorelai invites dean over to watch a movie.
they watch willie wonka and the chocolate factory.
they actually show a clip in the show.
they show a clip of the giant golden eggs.
guess what's carrying it.
a freaking oompa loompa.
photo courtesy of
i want you to know that you should feel extremely lucky that you get a picture.
why? because this picture freaks me out.
hard core.
i have chills.
it kind of makes me nauseous.
it's about to cause nightmares.
i'm not kidding.
these little devils lived under my bed when i was little. with edward scissorhands.
of course, i later noticed that edward scissorhands was johnny depp, and my fear turned to love,
but the oompa loompas are not johnny depp.
they have orange skin, white eyebrows, and green hair.
they push fat kids through tubes and roll blueberry girls down the hallway.
they terrify me.
even now.
i would appreciate it if this new found knowledge was not used against me.
it usually is. this and my ticklish nature. people like to tickle me and freak me out with the oompa loompa song.
the problem is, unless your name is christian bale, this will probably lead to the end of our friendship.
so don't do it.

holy burning agony, batman!

here's the problem.
there is no air condition in my house.
we have a swamp cooler, but it's on the fritz.
the man is coming back to fix it today, hopefully.
the problem is that it is a BILLION degrees in my apartment.
and, my room is on the second floor. heat rises.
i feel even worse for my roommate. she's on the third floor.
and it's blazing.
i seriously considered doing this.
photo courtesy of
i am very tempted to all the time. like right now.
i would even like it to snow.
but just in my house.


i've got bruises (alright).
they come from different places.
the three on the left leg, the three that resemble galaxies,
they come from my failed attempt at wake boarding.
(i said failed attempt because i tried several times to get up on the board.
i failed several times to get up on the board)
the other ones have slightly more comical stories.
there are two others.
they came from the same experience.
last night, i went to bianca's house.
we had a dance party, so obviously we had to move the coffee table.
then we decided to go get slurpees. from 7-11. (flashback to freshmen year)
i had to change out of my dance party clothes.
when i came back into the living room, the lights were off.
i forgot about the coffee table.
right into both of my shins.
hilary and bianca fell over laughing.
(i knew the table was there. i moved it there)
and i now have swollen bruises right above the yellower fading bruises beneath.

Friday, July 9, 2010

they said "i hope that you will never change," i went and cut my hair.

oh, avett brothers, how i love you.

here's the thing, i miss my red hair.
it was pretty. and fun.
i really do love my hair color.
i have naturally blond hair. it's pretty.

but, sometimes you need a change.
and right now, i'm yearning for a change.
miss the red.
i can't wait till august when i can go brunette.

p.s. kathleen, you could just come to my house now and do my hair. i would love you for it.

i one the sandbox

so today, i ate something that reminded me of my childhood.
chunky chicken noodle courtesy of
let me tell you a story.
for the majority of my life, my father was a truck driver.
every summer from the time i was around 6 until i was about 14, i spent two weeks with him on the road.
it was fun.
i did go a little crazy, i talked (a lot), but that's not really a big difference.
i also sang, at the top of my lungs, all the time.
i played the sand box game.
(i one the sand box, i two the sand box, i three the sand box... i eight the sandbox. it's hilarious when you're on the road)
and i read.

when we needed to eat and didn't want to eat truck stop food (which actually isn't that bad) or cold cut sandwiches (which get really old), we would pull out a can of chunky soup.
i know that this isn't really exciting to anyone else, but my dad had a special way of preparing it.
we put the can on the engine to heat it up. you could drive with it on the engine. it didn't fall off. it was actually really fascinating.
now, every time i eat chunky soup, it takes me back to those days, singing in the truck, eating soup heated on the engine.
and it makes me miss my daddy.
and my childhood.

Thursday, July 8, 2010

no, i do not suffer from dandruff.

i don't know if i've ever mentioned this before, but i'm very pale.
i burn easily.
i don't tan. (it is actually physically impossible for me)
i freckle a lot.
i'm practically albino, without the cool factor of having pink eyes.
(how awesome would that be?)
well, during my awesome weekend a few days ago, i was on a boat in the sun for a while.
i did put on a lot of sunscreen.
i did wear a hood.
i did cover my whole body up with clothing and towels.
and yet,
i still ended up with a sun burn.
on my nose,
on my forehead,
and on my part.
another thing?
after i burn,
i peel.
which is what stage my part is in right now.
and so, to all of you out there who might think that i have a scalp condition,
i don't. i have a sunburn.
plain and simple.
that is all.


Disclaimer #1: if you are/were/have an EFY kid, i still love them as individuals. my beef is with the pack.
Disclaimer #2: i never attended EFY, so i reserve the right to my own opinion.
Disclaimer #3: it's possible that i am jealous that they get to hang out and go to dances and not have class or work.

i attend byu. it is summertime. for those of you who don't know what this means, it means that all summer long, campus is under onslaught of 14 to 17 year old students at a nice little program called EFY.

for my job, i call byu alumni. as it is summer and efy is ongoing, i occasionally have conversations with people about that lovely program. the conversations are as follows. (the astrisized [*] words are what i'm actually thinking)

C: are you able to keep up to date
with what's going on at byu?

BYUA: yes, my son/daughter is
attending EFY there right now.

C: Oh! that's wonderful!
**Ugh! that's your kid?**

BYUA: yeah. he/she's having a
really great time.

C: that's great.
**i'm lying**
i never attended myself,
but everyone i know who went
really loved it.
**i'm glad i never went.
sometimes i wish i could kick them**

BYUA: yes, it's a really great

C: it really is.
**i judge everyone i see wearing a

here's the deal.
EFY kids travel in packs. big packs. giggly, adolescent packs.
they clog up the line for food when you only have 15 minutes for lung. they scream with every burst of thunder. they ask stupid questions like, "is it still raining?" when you're in the middle of a downpoor.

i'm not digging on teenagers. i like teenagers. i was one. i went to youth conference. and girl's camp. and i was plenty annoying there. i remember. but i never attended efy. so i don't have a soft spot for it. i only have a soft spot for the days when it will be over.

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

picture picture

this weekend? = awesome!
here's the skinny.
i have a friend. her name is hilary. she's pretty.
also, she is awesome. and her family is too.
she invited me and bianc and greg and connor to her family fourth of july shindig.
it was filled with boating and mr. rogers and s'mores and bieber and shots (the song, not a small alcoholic beverage) and really awesome testimonies and cabins and twilight scene it and denny's and tubing and fireworks and so much more.
really, it was a magical weekend.
i really wish you all could have been there, but since you weren't,
i have some pictures.
(these pictures were all stolen from bianca's blog, so if you read hers and mine, i'm sorry about the redundancy)

connor, me, bianc, greg, and hilary
tubing (why, yes, i was sore for 3 days)
bianc, me, and hil
denny's. greg broke the pancake record.
don't ask what i'm doing with my hands. i don't know.
this is our ad for hershy's chocolate.
apparently the point of this game is to not laugh. i did not succeed.
hilary and me with our s'mores. delicious.

i think you forgot your pants.

here's the thing.
leggings=not pants.
don't get me wrong.
i'm all for wearing leggings around the house.
or under a dress.
or under shorts.
or under anything that actually covers your bum.
leggings and pants?
not really interchangeable.
i see all of these crazy girls wearing leggings as pants.
leggings are see through.
they don't actually cover anything.
you're basically wearing feetless tights as your bottoms.
i'm not going to lie.
when i see people do that?
i automatically replace their name with "no pants girl."
(or guy, but i usually don't see guys in leggings.
skinny jeans, yes, but not leggings)
and have a strong desire to tell them
"babe? i think you forgot your pants"

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

be kind to your web-footed friends

this weekend was the fourth of july,
which i'm sure you all already know.
and, it was an awesome weekend.
(more to come later)
but, i remembered this weekend why this is one of my favorite holidays ever
photo courtesy of
i love fireworks.
they are beautiful.
awe inspiring.
they give me chills.
they bring up a feeling inside of me that is warm and fuzzy
they make me love my country.
they make me smile uncontrollably.
i love them.

Monday, July 5, 2010

sisters do as sisters should

remember that post about dana and bianca?
well, upon reading that post, my sister daisy pointed out that i haven't written anything about her and my sister jeannine.
huh, i thought. that's true.
so here it is.
a post about my sisters.
all three of them.
in all of their glory.

i have amazing sisters.
they are beautiful,
they are funny,
they are strong,
they are crazy,
they are cool.
my family's kind of funny.
my parents had two kids 21 months apart.
then they waited 7 years.
and had two kids 18 months apart.
daisy is the oldest
she's a mother of 5,
she's very verbose and has a beautifully prodigious vocabulary.
she's afraid of whales and slugs.
she is a ridiculously fast reader.
she introduced me to the beauty that is empire records (what's with today today?) and 10 things i hate about you. (and i'm back in the game!)
she understands why i hate hiking the Y.
she knows why i love flight of the concords.
she talks to me on the phone for hours.
she has a really big pretty house.
she doesn't hate me because we put dandelions (which she is allergic to) in her pillow when she was a teenager

jeannine comes second.
she's a mother of 4.
she has an infectious laugh.
she's so artistic and talented that it would make you cry.
she's afraid of kites.
she will talk to me for hours about harry potter and twilight and jane austen and charles dickens and shakespeare.
she shares my love for masterpiece classics.
she introduced me to the cranberries and they might be giants.
she shares my love of gilmore girls and psych and the office and chuck.
she doesn't hate me because i locked her in her room many times when we were younger.

third is kathleen
she is my otro half.
she is the mother of 1.
she is afraid of spiders.
she does my hair, and is dang good at it.
she is just as silly as i am.
she too understands why i love fantasia and snow white.
she gets she's the man and why it's so important in my life.
she shares my love of sumthin' serious (you smell nice)
she used to sing my heart will go on with me for hours on end.
she was also obsessed with jonathan taylor thomas and hanson.

so, basicallly, i have the best, most beautiful, and most amazing sisters ever.
i want to be them when i grow up.