Thursday, March 18, 2010


so. today was St. Patrick's Day (i hope you all wore green, ate corned beef and cabbage, and watched Darby O'Gill and the Little People. all wonderful St. Patrick's Day activities). and this week, for the first time since september, has been BEAUTIFUL! warm, sunny, and just plain perfect. i believe that that is provo's way of celebrating one of my favorite holidays.

so, because it was so beautiful, and we were suffering from severe vitamin D deficiencies, my roommate and i decided to study outside in the sun. so i spent two blissful hours soaking up some rays.

about two hours after my mini vacation, i felt an interesting sensation on the inside of my knees. within three hours of coming inside, i knew that the decision to not find my good 'ol SPF 70 and rub it on my not-used-to-being-bare legs had been baaaaaaad.

if you were to come to my house right now and look at my legs you would be confused. did i get a sunburn? or did i smash a water-balloon full of red kool-aid between my knees? there's no way of knowing.

(however, if your hands are cold, you may come touch my burn. it will quickly warm them up)

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