Tuesday, March 30, 2010

why? just why?

i understand internet security. i do.

(jim, identity fraud is a serious crime, it ruins thousands of families every year!)

but there's one thing i don't understand:
why is it that every time i go to post a comment on soemone's blog, it gives me this:

does it show that i'm actually the one who wrote the comment? because i'm pretty sure that anyone if i can see it on any computer, anyone else could see it. and type it. i don't know if you can tell, but it says defou. i don't know what defou means, but i know i can read it. it's not that hard. it's not like it's really all that jumbled, let's be honest.

so i guess i'm just confused. if any of you know why they make me do this,

i'd like to know why i have to decode these codes for no reason.

why? just why?


  1. It's to prove you're human. I'm not sure why they make you do it on blogs, because it doesn't seem like people would program computers to just go comment on people's blogs. Probably if they wanted to give you a virus or something. But that's why they do it on things like creating accounts, because computers can do stuff like tha, but they can't figure out what letters are in the "captcha." (that's what those things are called :)

  2. i just got one that said "sphinab." thats not a real word.
