Wednesday, December 29, 2010

the soup of the year

(or new year's eve)
Every year, on New Year's Eve, my family makes a beautiful delicious soup.
Portuguese Bean Soup.
Thank you Portugal. Your soup is delicious.
And there's currently 15 quarts of it at my house. Wooooooooooooooooo!

Tuesday, December 28, 2010

I'm not sure if this is real,

The Baby Snuggie
But I'm torn between laughing, wanting to punch whoever came up with it, and wanting one.

I never really liked the brady bunch

They were too happy and perky. Their conflict was very full house-esque. Little things that didn't really matter and were always resolved by the end of the episode.
Also, their backyard didn't have grass. It had astro-turf.
And they mowed it

But mostly, it just reminds me of a traumatizing event from high school.
I was a freshmen in high school with a Seventeen Magazine. September 2003. It had Brittany Murphy on it.
Her hair was adorable.
I decided that my next hair cut would look like hers. I thought that it would be great.
It didn't, and it wasn't.

At this time, Kathleen was a junior in high school, and as such was not yet working wonders on my hair. I don't remember who cut it. But it was baaaad. I cried for days. I wore my hair in a short little pony tail for weeks.
(This isn't just one bad hair cut. It is immortalized on a banner sized picture of the state winning girls track team in the gym of Broken Arrow Senior High. If you would really like to see this fiasco of style, you can go to the gym and look for it. I'd rather you didn't, though)

To add to my dismay of this horrid hair cut, I went to school with beaten spirits and very low self esteem, only to be told by a friend,
"you look like Bobby Brady."
Not Marcia. Not Jan. Not even Cindy.
Just in case you didn't catch it,
Bobby's a boy.
The sad thing is that he was right. I had better teeth, a girlier face, a little longer hair, but my hair (bangs especially) did bear a horrid resemblance to little Bobby.

I never really got over it.

Sunday, December 26, 2010

best. disney. princess. EVER!

Merry Christmas, darling.

Hello! I just wanted to say a belated "happy Christmas, Harry!" to you all. I know that Christmas was yesterday, but I was so busy opening presents and hanging out with my familia that I just couldn't be bothered with charging my compy and getting on the Internet.

BUT! I hope you all had a wonderful Christmas (or whatever holiday you celebrate at this time of year) filled with candy and Jimmy Stewart and popcorn and Bing Crosby and lights and cookies and oranges and wrapping paper and Ralphie.

So, Happy Christmas, Ron. I love you all, and hope you have a wonderful New Year.

Wednesday, December 15, 2010


Finals are over (for me).
Congratulations to me.
Tomorrow, I am going home.

Monday, December 13, 2010

I want to see this

Because I love him:

and her:
and this:
Why do I have finals?

I'm gettin' old

When I was a freshmen, I could stay out late. I could hang out with Katie, Dana, and Bianca until 4 in the morning and get up at 8 to go to class, then do it again the next day.

Now, however, I can't do that. I never stay up past 12:20 without passing out. I need a nap the next day. The days when it is absolutely necessary for me to stay up late, I'm a zombie the next day.

I can't decide if I'm getting old or if its 4 years of sleep deprivation catching up to me. Maybe after I graduate I'll just sleep for a year.

Saturday, December 11, 2010

the savior of my nails.

For my birthday, Kathleen got me this:
It is a beautiful beautiful thing. I can paint my nails and leave the polish on until I want to take it off, not until it chips off. I love it with my whole heart.
Just thought you ought to know.

Thursday, December 9, 2010


Two days ago, I saw a guy eating ice cream off the floor. Because he dropped it there.
Really, sir? Really?

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Cannibalistic Mutant

I think my stomach is trying to eat itself*.
And in this instance, my stomach is a saber-toothed whale with 7 sets of teeth.
A scary--and painful--thought.

*Not in the I'm really hungry way, but rather in the I hope you feel pain for the rest of your life way.

wash face, brush teeth, take out contacts.

Why do those three steps seem so
when I'm tired?