Saturday, April 30, 2011

the sad state of America's educational system.

photo courtesy of

Yesterday at work, a man came up on my calling list with the last name of Buhler. I can only assume that this would be pronounced "Bueller."
As in Ferris.
I said to the girl sitting next to me that I was sure that growing up, people said his last name many many times. Over and over.
I would have.
She looked at me like I was crazy. I had to explain to her,
"You know, like Ferris Bueller's day off? Bueller...Bueller...Bueller...?"
She kind of nodded and went, "ooooooh."
Like she didn't really know what I was talking about, but she wanted me to stop talking.
I know she's only 3 years younger than me, but I'm still confused.
How does she not know the most quintessential line and name from any 80s movie?
I just don't understand.

bouncy balls

I wish I had a bathtub so that I could throw my bouncy ball in the bathtub and watch it
bounce and
bounce and
bounce and
bounce and
bounce and
bounce and
bounce and
bounce and
bounce and
bounce and

I suffer for my fashion

At some point in your life, you have to decide whether you want to wear your pink rubber boots or your yellow flats to match your yellow hat and yellow umbrella.
If you wear your pink boots, your feet are dry and warm in the cold, cold snow.
If you wear your yellow flats, your toes are exposed, but your hat, umbrella, and shoes match.
I went with the yellow shoes.
Totally worth it.

Thursday, April 28, 2011

i did this today.

With less anger, though. It was accidental. I was running up the stairs and accidentally punched the wall. It hurt really bad, and my hand is a little swollen and bruised. Ouch.
(I made the same noise as Andy. It hurt really bad)
But, sadly, my hand didn't go through the wall.

This is a VERY big week!

This week very big things happened/are happening to three of my very best friends.This is Alisoooooooooooooooooooon (yes, she may be French). She is departing to Mexico tomorrow. Because she is really really cool. And she speaks Spanish. Fluently. She's amazing. And we've been friends since we were 12, so I'm going to miss her. SO MUCH! I'm proud of you, Alison. You are awesome.

This is Dana (and Jameson. He deserves to be in this post). She got married last Saturday. To Jameson. Aren't they cute? I love them both. And their wedding was lovely. And they looked beautiful. So pretty. I'm very happy for them and their Holy Union (yes, I said it, Dana). Now they're on a cruise, and she gets to swim with a seal. Jealousy.

This is Bianca (and Greg). She is getting married TOMORROW!!!!!! YAY, BIANCA! She and Greg are beautiful and I know that they will be incredibly happy and their life will be wonderful! Can't you just see how pretty she'll be on her wedding day? I mean, she's already so beautiful. That white dress will look absolutely stunning on her. And Greg will probably look pretty good too. So, congratulations my lovelies. I'm very excited for you.

Oh, and I graduated last Friday.

hooray for me

Saturday, April 16, 2011

A lifetime love affair

When I told my dad that I wanted to get a cat, he made fun of me. And told me that I didn't need to get one, because I already have one.

And I was like "Whatchu talkin' bout, Wallace?"

Then I realized what he was "talkin' bout."

My kitty surprise.

When I was about 3 or 4, all I wanted for my birthday was a pink kitty surprise. Maybe you don't remember this toy. It doesn't involve batteries, it doesn't meow or act like a real cat. It doesn't come with its own cat car and cat mall.

It is a pink stuffed mama cat with a Velcro stomach. When you open that stomach, there are kittens inside. How many kittens is the surprise. I realize that to some of you this may sound like the creepiest thing in the world. I, however, think it's awesome. And at the time, this was the only think I wanted in my entire life. ALL I WANTED IN MY LIFE. My mom understood that I wanted it, but I do remember her trying to tell me that in a year or two I wouldn't want my kitty surprise to be hot pink. I assured her I did, and I would.

On my birthday, quivering in anticipation, I opened up my presents, and lo and behold there it was. The most beautiful stuffed animal I had ever seen. She was hot pink. She had three babies. We named the babies. I don't remember their names. I may have even named the kitty surprise. I don't remember her name either. All I know is that of all of the stuffed animals accumulated over the years, this kitty surprise is the only one I have with me at college.

I guess my desire for a cat is really more than just a 2 day impulse, but a 19 year longing.

This is my kitty surprise, by the way. It's ok if you think she's scary. I know that a lot of people do. I, however, think she's glorious.

Thursday, April 14, 2011

I've made a decision

I want a cat. And I'll probably get one when I graduate and move on my own. Because I just want this to be mine.

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

You know you're tired when...

You're reading your scriptures and the voice in your head reading them sounds like the announcer in Better Off Dead.

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Hot Dang, I make a mean deviled egg.

I mean, really.
Incredibly edible.
Sinfully delicious.
Just yummy.
And on that note, here's a video for you.

Saturday, April 2, 2011

Well played, Dad, well played.

This morning I got a call from my dad.
He got a job, and had to go into a physical.
They told him he had a hole in his heart.
And had 8 months to live.
Then he says
Big jerk.
I fully plan on punching him in the face when he comes for graduation.
But, it may be the best April Fools joke ever played on me.