Thursday, April 28, 2011

This is a VERY big week!

This week very big things happened/are happening to three of my very best friends.This is Alisoooooooooooooooooooon (yes, she may be French). She is departing to Mexico tomorrow. Because she is really really cool. And she speaks Spanish. Fluently. She's amazing. And we've been friends since we were 12, so I'm going to miss her. SO MUCH! I'm proud of you, Alison. You are awesome.

This is Dana (and Jameson. He deserves to be in this post). She got married last Saturday. To Jameson. Aren't they cute? I love them both. And their wedding was lovely. And they looked beautiful. So pretty. I'm very happy for them and their Holy Union (yes, I said it, Dana). Now they're on a cruise, and she gets to swim with a seal. Jealousy.

This is Bianca (and Greg). She is getting married TOMORROW!!!!!! YAY, BIANCA! She and Greg are beautiful and I know that they will be incredibly happy and their life will be wonderful! Can't you just see how pretty she'll be on her wedding day? I mean, she's already so beautiful. That white dress will look absolutely stunning on her. And Greg will probably look pretty good too. So, congratulations my lovelies. I'm very excited for you.

Oh, and I graduated last Friday.

hooray for me


  1. YAY for carrie being done with school!!!
    uhhh...whhhhhy is allison going to mexico?!?! lucky duck.

  2. she's going to school there. Because she's awesome.

  3. Thanks Carrie Ann! I sure love you!
