Tuesday, January 25, 2011

I think they're the same person

The other day, I watched the music video for this song. (Weird music video)
But I realized something. Robyn looks exactly like Moon Child.
Who is Moon Child, you ask?
The little empress on The Never Ending Story, that's who.
I'm not kidding. I think they're the same person.
Only their teeth are slightly different.
Don't believe me? Take a gander for yourself.
Moon Child:

Monday, January 24, 2011

just for giggles

In the past few days, I've received several texts from Jeannine and Adam that have made me laugh out loud. (Literally. Not the kid of laugh out loud where you say "lol" and never actually laugh, but the kind where you actually laugh out loud).
The following are those texts.

Wednesday, January 19 10:23 am from Jeannine
"A conversation overheard
Dahlia: We gotta kill Victor before he lies to his dad again
Luke: Kill Victor."

Saturday January 22 9:37 am from Jeannine
"Dahlia just said- 'whenever we find a little tiny baby in the grass without any parents we go find it and get it and eat it'
She was pretending to be a tiger, but still funny."

Monday January 24 5:06 am from Adam

"Holy cow. I'm here in Sacrament meeting by myself with the 3 stooges. During the passing of the sacrament, Luke first then Dahlia ripped loud stinkers and then busted out laughing. At least a 2 row radius turned to look."

I just thought I could share those lovelies with you all. Absolute perfection, courtesy of these two:

Thursday, January 20, 2011

i had a dream

About a car.
A specific car.
A 1986 Grand Marquis.
Hello you beautiful car.
I drove one in high school.
I know it's a "grandma car" from the '80s,
But I have so much love for this car.
It is the most comfortable car in the world.
It can fit at least 10 people in it.
It could be a boat.
Also, I feel like it looks like my dad.

Sunday, January 16, 2011

Some thoughts about Empire

Luke, stop looking so smug.
She's your SISTER.

How does everybody understand Chewie?
Do they learn Wookie in elementary school?

Lando looks like Levar Burton.

Why does C-3PO think everyone
wants to know the odds?

If Han doesn't have any scruff,
why does Leia call him scruffy?

Are there other creatures that look
like Yoda in the Dagobah System?

Does the Dagobah System smell bad?
It looks like the Bog of Eternal Stench.

Are there places that aren't "perfectly
safe for droids?"

Why do I always assume that when Lando
is giving them "refreshments" that means carrots?

Where did R2 learn to swim, and why
isn't he rusting?

What tried to eat R2?

I wish I could talk to the Millennium Falcon.

WHY does Leia act like she doesn't like Han? He's
Harrison Ford! I would jump on that
(figuratively. I'm not a hussy).

Friday, January 14, 2011

Hey, AJ, I made you a button.

Today, I rode the bus to Wal Mart. On my way home I spied something that confused me quite a bit. A store. Called "Cinderella's Closet".
I don't know about you, but I personally wouldn't want to wear what was in Cinderella's closet. With the exception of her ball gown (which turns back into rags), nothing she owns is pretty. She's a servant. They only give her torn up clothes that are gross and brown.
So, if you have a desire for people to frequent your shop, then why would you call it Cinderella's Closet?
you're stupid.

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

"Life just isn't worth living without a light saber"

-Allen O'Dell Bulleigh.

Which is why I bought one today. 5 dollars. It lights up, changes colors, and makes noise. Best 5 dollars I've ever spent.
Now I'm watching A New Hope.
There's something alive in here.

Sunday, January 9, 2011

Broken Heart(s).

Maybe I have mentioned this before, maybe not, but I absolutely LOVE conversation hearts.
However. I am very particular about which ones I love. I like all, but I love the boxed Sweethearts of old. The chalky ones. The ones where the white ones taste like tooth paste (Stop it, I'm weird. I get it).
BUT Sweetheart hates my mid-February happiness and wasn't satisfied by me as their sole customer of those wonderful boxes (I don't know why. One time I bought 48 boxes in one season. I got some weird looks from the cashier that day).
They changed the formula. Now they're weird. They're fruity. They don't even have white ones.
It just doesn't work. It's not the same.
They don't leave a white powder on my hands. They aren't so brittle I think I'll break my teeth off. They're just not good enough.
Sweetheart, please, just give them back to me. If only me. And Jeannine (She likes them too. I know it for a FACT).
Come on, guys! They're really the only thing I have to look forward to on Valentine's Day. And you're ruining it!

Saturday, January 8, 2011

just to show off.

For part of my mom's Christmas present, I needed to gather some pictures of the fam. Upon looking at these pictures, I decided that I may have one of the prettiest families in the world. So, I'm going to show you all of the pretty pictures so that you can all bask in the beauty of my family.

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

If that's the way the first class went, this semester does not bode well.

This morning I had class at 8:00 in the a.m. (bleh)
Just like I have every school day. Since June.
First of all, it took FOREVER to find the class.
I didn't think it would be hard.
I've been going to this school for 4 years.
I've had countless classes in the JFSB.
But I walked around for 5 minutes trying to find B071 (It's hidden in that corner you didn't think had classrooms in it. Just so you know).
I had left with enough time to get to class on time, but had not given myself time to find the class, so I was about 5 minutes late.
The professor was going over the tardy policy as I was walking in (apparently they are not acceptable AT ALL in that class) and gave me a look. I felt the need to explain myself, and he told me that if I can't find the room, I should leave 5 minutes earlier. Because I'm psychic and knew that I wouldn't be able to find the room ahead of time. Thanks.
Then he continued to go over the syllabus, and said that Intro to Interiors (which i haven't taken) was a required prerequisite.
I figured I'd be quiet, not say that I hadn't taken it, and drop the class without anyone knowing.
Apparently that professor hates me.
Professor: "Has anyone not taken the class?"
I raised my hand.
He then proceeded to kick me out of the class.
It's not a huge deal, I didn't really want to stay for another 45 minutes in a class that I wasn't going to take, but It was a little embarrassing.
And he yelled at me.
Not the greatest start of the semester.
I should have slept in.