Sunday, January 16, 2011

Some thoughts about Empire

Luke, stop looking so smug.
She's your SISTER.

How does everybody understand Chewie?
Do they learn Wookie in elementary school?

Lando looks like Levar Burton.

Why does C-3PO think everyone
wants to know the odds?

If Han doesn't have any scruff,
why does Leia call him scruffy?

Are there other creatures that look
like Yoda in the Dagobah System?

Does the Dagobah System smell bad?
It looks like the Bog of Eternal Stench.

Are there places that aren't "perfectly
safe for droids?"

Why do I always assume that when Lando
is giving them "refreshments" that means carrots?

Where did R2 learn to swim, and why
isn't he rusting?

What tried to eat R2?

I wish I could talk to the Millennium Falcon.

WHY does Leia act like she doesn't like Han? He's
Harrison Ford! I would jump on that
(figuratively. I'm not a hussy).