Wednesday, March 31, 2010

so, come on the sloop john b.

i feel so broke up.
i wanna go home.

i'm an avid reader

i'm not a huge fan of snow.

i used to like it. a lot. in high school, i prayed for it.
reason: in Oklahoma, not many people know how to drive in snow. if the snow got too deep (2 or 3 inches), we got a snow day. i love snow days.

but here in Utah, everyone knows how to drive in snow. if they don't, they fake it.

but that's not the reason why today i'm sad it's snowing.

i like to read on my way to school. it's relaxing, it takes my mind off of the 327.987462849 things i have to do in the next 13 days.

but today, it's snowing. the book would get wet.

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

who's skippin' down the streets of the city, smiling at everybody she sees?


as in, today is.

i love wind. i love feeling the air blowing, it feels fresh, not so stifled.

wind doesn't happen very much here in happy valley provo, the mountains get in the way. but it happens a lot back home in broken arrow. a lot of wind. so much, that you hold onto your car door really tight, because you're afraid it's going to blow off. the wind reminds me of that sesame street short where the wind is so strong the person is horizontal holding on to a telephone pole for dear life.

in provo, that doesn't happen as often. but today the wind blew. and i was happy.

(who's reachin' out to capture a moment, everyone knows it's Wendy)

why? just why?

i understand internet security. i do.

(jim, identity fraud is a serious crime, it ruins thousands of families every year!)

but there's one thing i don't understand:
why is it that every time i go to post a comment on soemone's blog, it gives me this:

does it show that i'm actually the one who wrote the comment? because i'm pretty sure that anyone if i can see it on any computer, anyone else could see it. and type it. i don't know if you can tell, but it says defou. i don't know what defou means, but i know i can read it. it's not that hard. it's not like it's really all that jumbled, let's be honest.

so i guess i'm just confused. if any of you know why they make me do this,

i'd like to know why i have to decode these codes for no reason.

why? just why?

Serial killers.

i have a confession.

i am a serial killer (of sorts)

i don't do it on purpose, it just happens. i'm not actually sure how, to be perfectly honest.

i have an M.O.


every pair of headphones i've ever bought, end up dying. usually the left goes first, occasionally the right.


i've gotten to the point where i don't buy good ones anymore, i try to stay under the $10 mark. I tried buying the good ones, hoping they wouldn't die as fast. however, they've all died in the same amount of time: within a year.

the twins are gone.

Saturday, March 27, 2010

i'd like to say that it's cooler than it is.

i'd like to tell you that my nose is swollen for some cool reason.

i got in a fight.
i saved a kid from being hit by a car, and all that i got was a bump on the nose.
i was snow boarding and got hit in the face.
i got hit in the nose playing racquetball.

however. it's just not that cool.
i guess now i'll tell you the real story.

i was laying on my bed. on my stomach, working on my computer with my calculator poking up in front of me. my roommate put on Celine (it's all coming back, s'all comin' back to me no-ow-ow), and i got excited, and started to dance. in a strange change of events, the way i moved my head just happened to RAM my nose right into my calculator.

it was weird. i'm pretty sure i could never recreate the moment, but it does seem like these things happen to me often. (remind me to someday tell you about the foot in the toilet incident).

i do hope it bruises. maybe i could tell people one of the above reasons for the swelling instead of the actual reason.

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

i guess i feel for Linus.

for the last 24 hours, i've been considering cutting my hair. i see in my mind a really cute longish bob, a-line cut (i don't know if i'm using correct terminology. kathleen? back me up/help me?) it would be adorable. and lovely.

but there's a problem: i love my hair.

i love it long. it's taken a really long time to grow it this long. and, i guess i feel like it's a security blanket. or maybe i just really love it. (i in no way want to make it into a sport coat. that would be disgusting, but i'm not sure i want to lose it just yet). maybe in a few months maybe we'll let my hair get really long, then just slash it off. maybe i'll wait till kathleen can do it.

maybe i'm just having stress related insanity.

Thursday, March 18, 2010

10 reasons i love Oklahoma in the summertime. in no particular order.

3. the rain. i don't mean the measly drizzle that Provo enjoys having. no i want rain!!! i want thunder and lightning and rain so hard that i can't get the mail without looking like i jumped in the lake with my clothes on. i want it to rain so hard that i can't see out my window. call me crazy, but i would even like a tornado warning. not a tornado. just the warning. i want that much rain.

10. the humidity. i love moisture in the air. yes, it makes my hair stick straight, completely stuck to my head, and absolutely style-less, but it's just more comfortable. it makes my skin happy. and my hair healthy.

. the fireflies. there's something whimsical about sitting outside at dusk and seeing them start to light their little tushes up. it's like a hint of a fairy tale.

2. the way summer mornings smell. early summer mornings, about 6:30 or 7:00 am. i can't describe it, but it's beautiful.

8. the blueberry patches. i miss going there and picking blueberries and eating them until i can't stuff a single thing more into my stomach.

1. the peaches from the orchard. they're just better than peaches from the grocery store.

4. the public swimming pool. yes, it is basically a make out place for middle-schoolers, but a lot of my childhood was spent there, and i can now stay in the pool during adult swim. after 18 years of begrudgingly climbing out of the pool for 15 minutes every hour, i deserve that much.

6. riding my bike to the library on main street and spending hours there.

9. uni brow. not the eyebrow kind. the tv program on PBS on saturday nights. it's actually called OETA movie club. however, when i was younger, the host had a monster uni brow and we could never remember his name. so, we called him uni brow. anyways, uni brow shows old movie classics from 9 pm to 1 am on saturday nights. it's the reason i love old movies.

. i love dark sheets and a white comforter. there's something about dark sheets that makes a bed exponentially more comfortable.


so. today was St. Patrick's Day (i hope you all wore green, ate corned beef and cabbage, and watched Darby O'Gill and the Little People. all wonderful St. Patrick's Day activities). and this week, for the first time since september, has been BEAUTIFUL! warm, sunny, and just plain perfect. i believe that that is provo's way of celebrating one of my favorite holidays.

so, because it was so beautiful, and we were suffering from severe vitamin D deficiencies, my roommate and i decided to study outside in the sun. so i spent two blissful hours soaking up some rays.

about two hours after my mini vacation, i felt an interesting sensation on the inside of my knees. within three hours of coming inside, i knew that the decision to not find my good 'ol SPF 70 and rub it on my not-used-to-being-bare legs had been baaaaaaad.

if you were to come to my house right now and look at my legs you would be confused. did i get a sunburn? or did i smash a water-balloon full of red kool-aid between my knees? there's no way of knowing.

(however, if your hands are cold, you may come touch my burn. it will quickly warm them up)

Sunday, March 14, 2010

isn't it about time?

for an obsession post?

(i feel like there will be many in the future, but this will be the first)


don't ask me why. i cannot explain to you my recent and resounding obsession with clocks, but it is there, and it is going strong.

for example, this clock is dubbed as "a clock that hates numbers"

this clock makes me hate numbers. in the best possible way. i want to hold this clock instead of a bouquet when married, in fact, i'll just marry this clock. (too bad it's a whopping $1600. memo to my millionaire friends, this would be a wonderful birthday present)

i'm pretty sure this next clock could replace my television.

i would just sit there and watch the ball go around and around. because it's mesmerizing. and hypnotizing.

i don't think there are words to describe how awesome this timepiece is to me. i will admit it took me at least 10 minutes to figure out how it worked, but once i did, i broke down and cried (figuratively) and lamented the fact that it's not hanging on my wall (literally).

i would put this clock in my kitchen. or in a breakfast nook (if i ever have one of those). it makes me want to drink orange juice. and eat oranges. and bask in the sunlight of a midsummer's day reading Shakespeare (yes, Shakespeare).

maybe this clock just feeds into my morbid side, but i love it. let me explain to you how it works. the left little eye is the hour, while the right is the minute, so these little peepers are currently showing you the time of 03:50

wow. this is a lot of clocks. i understand if you need to take a brief intermission, i won't be offended. but these last 2 are my favorites.

this is a 24 hour clock. i don't know for sure, because it's not big for me either, but i think that those little swirls are the hours of the day. i also think that this clock is not an English one. totally doesn't matter.

and my final and favorite clock of all time (tiny drum-role):

i would give up my big toe, my kneecaps, or my belly button to own this clock. usually i am not a fan of the cuckoo clock, but somehow this little beauty stole my heart and left it broken with it's $360 price tag.

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

i wanna swim in a vat of farr's custard.

but at 39 cents an ounce, that might be a bit pricey.

but seriously. when i think about it, i feel a warm fuzzy feeling inside. the chocolate custard is "like you're sucking on a chocolate cow" (to quote bianca). and the sugar cookie custard is like eating joy and happiness. all worry and pain leaves the mind upon walking into this glorious place.

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

the green ribbon.

when i see a girl
with a scarf

wrapped tightly
around her neck,

it scares me.
and i wonder,
if she removed said scarf,
would her head fall off?

then i realize,

those things only happen

in a


in the


and her scarf isn't green.

Sunday, March 7, 2010

this is what my face looks like right now. and has. for the last semester. this time it's because of a research paper that's due tomorrow.

in 19 hours and 57 minutes. 71,580 seconds. that's not very many, especially since this is as far as i have gotten on my paper:

Carrie O'Dell

that's it. so far, i think it's an A paper. don't you?

this is my problem.

my brain won't let me get involved in a paper unless i have no time left. seriously. which is why i will now start writing my paper. because i now only have 19 hours and 7 minutes left.

Friday, March 5, 2010


i live in a 4 person apartment. 2 bed rooms. 2 bathrooms. 4 beds. somehow, we ended up with 5 tenants. me, my three roommates, and kimberly.

kimberly is an odd ball. she doesn't sleep here. she doesn't eat here. she doesn't keep her possessions here. (in fact, i'm pretty sure she doesn't have any possessions). she doesn't watch the tv, sit on the couch, drink the water, or read the books. she doesn't walk on our floor or use our shower.

no, kimberly has one purpose and one purpose only. she is the strange force that turns off lights. light. one. the kitchen light.

about two or three times a day, kimberly decides that she is tired of our kitchen light being on, and with a high pitched click, off it goes. it will eventually come back on, but in kimberly's time period. we have no say in the matter. no matter how much we beg and plead, scold and scorn, kimberly takes her sweet time.

we're not sure why kimberly turns the light off. maybe the brightness hurts her "eyes," (that's in quotation marks because i'm not actually sure kimberly has eyes) maybe it keeps her awake, maybe she's punishing us for our elaborate dance parties, maybe she just likes to hear us say her name (which we make a point to only say when the light turns off), maybe she's vendictive.

maybe she just thinks we leave too many lights on.

Thursday, March 4, 2010


in case you aren't in Provo right now, i
'm gonna show you what's going on.

there's a reason that word is black. and capital. and bold.

it's because snow is disgusting.

disgusting, wet, cold, mushy, makes my socks wet, and slushy.

i hate having we socks.

don't get me wrong. i feel that there is a place for snow. i really do.

i love snow at christmas. it's pretty and romantic and makes you want to curl up on the couch with a blanket, a cup of hot chocolate, and bing crosby.

i love snow days. i really like staying in bed when i would usually have to go to school.

i love snow in the movies. it's pretty.

i love snow men.

but. in march, when it was warm enough for
me to walk around in a t-shirt this morning, i don't like snow.

and i don't like having wet socks.

poor brigham, he looks cold.

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

there's only one thing to blame.

i have a headache. it's there, throbbing on the side of my head. like a little tiny man with a little tiny pick axe has decided that there is nothing he'd like more than to get his little tiny self out of my head.

there is a reason. i know what it is.

it's not because there are only 5 weeks of classes left in the semester.
it's not because my portfolio's due in april.
it's not because i was in class for 6 hours today.
it's not because the testing center is charging me $25 dollars for a calculator i know i turned in.
it's not because i miss my family.
it's not because i want it to be spring time.
it's not because i need a job.
it's not because i need more sleep.
it's not because i have a mosquito bite on the side of my head that looks like a second face.
it's not because i hit myself in the head with both my racket and ball today in racquetball class.

no. all of these things that could be giving me a headache are true. all have caused me headaches in the past and probably will many times to come.

no. there's only one thing causing this blasted headache.
it's a bobby pin headache.

to quote Ferris Bueller...

i have a heated mattress pad (just in case you don't know, Ferris didn't say that. his part will come in later). my parents gave it to me for my birthday. it is glorious. just imagine. at the push of a button, your bed will heat itself. you climb into your bed and it's like climbing into a cacoon that's on fire but will never burn you. (here comes Ferris's part) it is so choice. if you have the means, i highly recommend picking one up.

funky fresh.

this is my blog. (obviously, it has my name on it) so, i'm going to use this post to talk about me. for two reasons. first: as previously stated, it's my blog. so i can do whatever i want with it. second: if you didn't care about me, you wouldn't be reading it. (i actually don't know if there is anybody reading it. however, on the off chance that anyone's reading it, then they get to listen to me talk. a lot. about me) so. here we go.

i love being barefoot. if i could be barefoot everyday for the rest of my life i would be a happy girl.

i love shoes. it's a bit of a paradox, i know. but, there you are.

there are some things that i'm deathly terrified of. some make sense, and i am joined in this fear by others. some don't, and people question my sanity. they are as follows:

oompa loompas
playing the piano
the titanic

i like babies a lot. and not just human babies, but all babies. baby anythings. baby dogs, baby horses, baby cows, baby mannities. i like them all.

i love Oklahoma.

i'm taking a beginning racquetball class. it's hard.

i watch Beauty and the Beast every time i'm sick. and i truly believe it makes me better.

i used to have a goldfish named Jovie. she died while her fishbowl was hidden in the closet. i feel really bad about it.

when she died, i was scared and hid in the other room until someone else came to flush her.

i don't like donuts. and funnel cake makes me nauseous.

i'm REALLY upset that they changed the flavors of conversation hearts. the new ones just aren't the same.

i have a hard time paying attention in church if i'm not doodling. somehow doodling makes my brain focus on the speaker.

i love my sisters. a LOT! they're amazing and i want to be all of them when i grow up.

my parents are really funny. i used to be embarrassed of them, when i was 12 (don't judge me, you were embarrassed of your parents, too) but then i grew up and realized how awesome and hilarious they really are.

i was a morbid kid. really morbid.

i fall down a lot. somehow, level ground is really uneven to my feet.

the differences between their, there, and they're and your and you're are very important to me. i may or may not judge you if you use them incorrectly.

so, that's just a little bit about me. more to come in the future, if i feel like it.

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

first time

this has been a year of firsts
following will be a list of my firsts:
in November, i died my hair. for the first time.
(yes, i realize that i spelled "dyed" wrong. i'm not changing it)
it was red. my sister did it.
she's amazing. and pretty.
and has a pretty baby.
i went to my first concert. it was fun.
be calm. there's just a few more.
also in November i turned 21 for the first time (although to be perfectly honest,
it is the only time i'll turn 21).
lastly, i started my first blog.
(well, i started a blog last year, but it was a school assignment,
so that doesn't count)
(ok, so there weren't as many firsts as i thought in my brain, but here is my introduction)