Sunday, March 7, 2010

this is what my face looks like right now. and has. for the last semester. this time it's because of a research paper that's due tomorrow.

in 19 hours and 57 minutes. 71,580 seconds. that's not very many, especially since this is as far as i have gotten on my paper:

Carrie O'Dell

that's it. so far, i think it's an A paper. don't you?

this is my problem.

my brain won't let me get involved in a paper unless i have no time left. seriously. which is why i will now start writing my paper. because i now only have 19 hours and 7 minutes left.


  1. ummmm, i feel for you, but i cant really concentrate on your post because im too busy looking at your picture because your hair looks amazing.

  2. yeah, that was a god hair day. however, since i wrote the paper today, my hair looked like monkey crap today. you might have cried.
