Tuesday, March 30, 2010

who's skippin' down the streets of the city, smiling at everybody she sees?


as in, today is.

i love wind. i love feeling the air blowing, it feels fresh, not so stifled.

wind doesn't happen very much here in happy valley provo, the mountains get in the way. but it happens a lot back home in broken arrow. a lot of wind. so much, that you hold onto your car door really tight, because you're afraid it's going to blow off. the wind reminds me of that sesame street short where the wind is so strong the person is horizontal holding on to a telephone pole for dear life.

in provo, that doesn't happen as often. but today the wind blew. and i was happy.

(who's reachin' out to capture a moment, everyone knows it's Wendy)


  1. I thought of that SAME VIDEO TODAY! In the background, the lady yells, "Does air move things??" And then it shows that person horizontal on the pole. When we were walking to school after the devotional, I was going to yell, "Does air move things?!" but I didn't think anyone would get it. I should've said it.

  2. i would have gotten it alison. and even if no one else did, you would still be pretty cool.
