Thursday, July 8, 2010

no, i do not suffer from dandruff.

i don't know if i've ever mentioned this before, but i'm very pale.
i burn easily.
i don't tan. (it is actually physically impossible for me)
i freckle a lot.
i'm practically albino, without the cool factor of having pink eyes.
(how awesome would that be?)
well, during my awesome weekend a few days ago, i was on a boat in the sun for a while.
i did put on a lot of sunscreen.
i did wear a hood.
i did cover my whole body up with clothing and towels.
and yet,
i still ended up with a sun burn.
on my nose,
on my forehead,
and on my part.
another thing?
after i burn,
i peel.
which is what stage my part is in right now.
and so, to all of you out there who might think that i have a scalp condition,
i don't. i have a sunburn.
plain and simple.
that is all.