Monday, July 12, 2010

who says you can't go home?

one month from yesterday, i will leave utah.
for 15 days, i will be herephoto courtesy of
everyone say "hi, Broken Arrow!"
look how cute it is.
i know. it's exciting.
i will also get to see this sugar for the first timedon't you just want to kiss his little cheeks?
(the answer is yes, always yes)
i will also be finished with my finals and have a full 19 days off of school.


  1. you forgot about me fixing your head.

  2. oh yeah!!!!! you're doing my hair! how did i forget, i tell everyone about that. i tell strangers on the street. the guy who sells hot dogs at j dawgs? he knows. the lady at the research desk in the library? she knows. the little kid who rides his skateboard down the street knows too. but for some reason i forgot to mention it here. i'm really excited.
