Saturday, July 17, 2010

dude, what's with the tude?

ok. i think that i have mentioned before that i ride the bus.
obviously, since i ride the bus, i don't have a car.
that is why i ride the bus.
therefore, it would make sense that, when running errands, i would ride the bus several times a day.
bus drivers deal with this all the time.
so, sir, why the heck are you going to look at me like i'm crazy every time i get on the bus.
yes, i did ride the bus from work to home, home to mall, mall to home, home to grocery store, grocery store to home.
i didn't expect the same bus driver to be driving the bus
every time.
dude. just accept that i ride the bus, and stop looking at me like i'm crazy.
just be grateful for the patronage of someone who's normal.