Saturday, July 31, 2010

i have a problem. of the organizational type.

my closet doesn't have a door,
so i can't hide any mayhem that may be inside.
which is all fine and good, until you see my shoes.(poor shoes. look how crowded they are. they probably think i don't love them. but i do.)
so, basically, i need a new way to organize my shoes.

but i don't know what to do.
i'd LOVE to do this:

but i live in an apartment, and they frown upon adding fixtures, or paint.
if you have any ideas, you feel free to throw em out there.


  1. i've used a little hanger organizer thing, like this: . they tend to work great. you can get other ones at target and such.

  2. search for 'shoe rack' at and you'll get all kinds of great options. from ones that hang over the door to ones that fit at the bottom of the closet.
