Friday, June 11, 2010

it's becoming a problem

you know how everyone has words that they say all the time?
some people say um.
some people say like.

i have one.
i say awesome.

i didn't really realize this was happening, until i was talking to my sister.
her two year old says awesome.
everything is awesome to gavin.
later in the conversation, i started using my fall back word
and she said, oh like gavin.
in my mind, i said, huh?
i wasn't quoting gavin.
i was just talking.

then i realized
i have a recurring speech problem that makes me sound like a surfer.


  1. im pretty sure that you say um and like too. all the time. hahaha! love it!

  2. that's true. but those are less noticeable than awesome. (oh, i also say okay)
