Wednesday, June 30, 2010

just another dream of my life

you know beauty and the beast?
one of my favorite movies ever?
you know when the beast realizes that he loves belle and wants to give her a gift?
do you remember what he gives her?
the library
photo courtesy of
i love books. i really do.
this is feeding that love.
i would love to have that many books.
more books than you could ever read in a lifetime.
books on every subject you can imagine.

i want to have a library in my house.
i want to be a book collector.
i really love used book stores.
and new book stores for that matter.
and libraries.
i just want to have tons and tons and tons of books.
like belle.

1 comment:

  1. I have always wanted to have her library. I love the ladders, too. No awesome library would be complete without one of those rolling ladders.
