Sunday, May 15, 2011

The lies of romantic comedies

I really like romantic comedies. Believe me, I do. I watch them all the time.

Usually, romantic comedies have a really romantic scene in the end where the girl and the guy meet in a public place, like a street or a park or somewhere else. They tell each other how much they love each other. Then they have some eyelash melting kiss and a beautiful song plays and all's right in the world. We all have tears in our eyes and hope in our hearts that we will someday have that same wonderful moment.

Have you ever thought about the people walking past them in that public place, though? How awkward it probably is for them? Let me be the one to tell you right now, they feel really uncomfortable.

Let me 'splain (no, is too much, let me sum up) (there's not too much, I just really love that line)

Today, I was waiting at the bus stop to go home. Because it's Saturday and I had just missed the bus, I was there for about 1/2 an hour. For that entire 30 minutes, there was a couple reenacting every romantic comedy ending. But, you know how in the movies the music comes in and the picture fades away? Before it gets too embarrassing for the audience? Yeah. They didn't do that. At one time, he bit her neck like a vampire. Creepy town.

There may have been tears in my eyes, but they weren't tears of happiness for the couple who finally got there lives together and are in love. They were tears about how much I wanted to be on the bus at that point.


  1. yes, alison. he did. it was awful.

  2. bahahaha best thing i've ever heard! hahaha

  3. Uh, neck bitting...did I miss a this the new way to turn someone on? Hope there was no blood drawn!

    I am so glad, for your sake, that the bus did show up...who knows what could have come next...yikes!

    xx Cat brideblu
