Sunday, May 8, 2011

Today is the day we honor mothers.

There are a lot of wonderful mothers in my life. My three beautiful sisters, my grandmother, my aunts. All of my church leaders. Basically any woman who has set an example and made a difference in my life is a mother. And today, to all of you dear sweet mothers, I honor you. You are great.

However, as it is mother's day, I would like to take this post to thank my mother. Pamela. She is the beautiful, charming, hilarious woman who brought me life and made me the person I am today. She is amazing. She taught me about the gospel. She taught me how to sew a skirt and how to do a cart wheel. She listened to hours upon hours of me practicing the violin, which I know for a fact was not always pleasant on the ears. She made sacrifices to make sure that my life has been a happy one. I am so grateful for her goodness and her love. I know that without my mother, I would not be the person I am today. It is through the discipline and love that she showed me, the determination and effort she put into raising me, that I have had success in my life. Because of all of these reasons and more, I would like to take this time to thank my mother.

Mommy, I love you.

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