Monday, October 24, 2011

Sundays make me look like a frat boy

I swear, without fail, every Sunday leaves my room looking like a 19 year old boy's college dorm.

It always starts out clean, but I end up messing it all up after doing the weekly "I have nothing to wear to church" routine (I'm very good at it, trust me, you don't want to miss this performance, I've gotten raving reviews). After this spectacle, I'm usually running a tad bit later than I wanted to be and leave the remnants of my morning on my bed, which eventually get moved to the bench, and finally the floor, making my room look like that of a frosty tipped, red bull swigging imbecile with his collar popped.

1 comment:

  1. me too! only everyone in my house does it, so we look like an entire frat house!!!
