Thursday, December 29, 2011

Thank you, Brissa.

This is the most beautiful thing I've ever seen.
This website is my childhood.

I'm back!

So, it's only been about a month and a half since I've last posted. So, that's a long time.
But, in my defense, I've been crazy busy.
I got a job. I'm a graphic designer. Woot.
I bought a car. One that's not on its last leg. It has a radio. Haven't had a car with one of those for about 7 years. It also has a sun roof. Double woot!
So, I think I may be able to blog again. I apologize for the hiatus. I have been rather cessant.
But, maybe I'm thinking too well of myself. Maybe you enjoyed the hiatus. But then again, why would you be reading this? Now, I'm just rambling. So, I'm gonna stop.
See ya on the flip side.

Saturday, December 10, 2011

Friday, December 2, 2011

A personal talent

I don't know if you guys knew this, but I am very talented.
My favorite talent?
I find celebrity look-a-likes. EVERYWHERE!
Two days ago, I drove next to a dead ringer of Ringo Starr.
I once saw Levar Burton's exact replica playing chess in Union Square.
I rode on the subway with Christian Bale's greasy twin brother.
One time, David Spade's clone was stopped next to me at a stop light.
I'm pretty sure I saw Neil Patrick Harris driving a moving truck in Provo. (Then, I thought "why would he be here?" So I decided it was his doppleganger.)
My most recent one, though?
I worked out with Santa. I don't even think he was a look-a-like.
I think it was actually Santa.
The man's got to get ready to lift those bags and eat those cookies.
It was awesome.