Monday, November 29, 2010

Harses harses harses

For the past couple of days, I've been listening to Christmas music non-stop. It's my right. It's after Thanksgiving, and we all know that Christmas music is the most glorious music of all.
I have a lot of new (to me) and awesome Christmas songs (including Jackson 5's Santa Clause is Coming to Town) and I've been listening to the classic favorites (White Christmas, The Christmas Song, The Chanuka Song, All I Want For Christmas Is You, etc.). However, there's one song I wish I had that I cannot find. It's Jingle Bells/Sleigh Ride by Roy Rogers and Dale Evans. You may know it as the song in Sleepless in Seattle where Meg Ryan sings "harses harses harses harses harses dodolodoloooo." I just want to listen to it and sing that part. It's my favorite.

Also, while watching I'll Be Home For Christmas with my childhood love Jonathan Taylor Thomas, Dana and I found this song. It is amazing.


  1. Love it! I've been listening to Christmas music since the beginning of November. I think we should have a Christmas music party. We will just sing and laugh and drink eggnog. Doesn't that sound glorious?

    And about the ring, I didn't wear it. I found it the DAY AFTER the premier. It was truly a tragedy.

  2. ugh. that is a tragedy. and that sounds AMAZING! i vote yes.
