Sunday, February 19, 2012

The Projects

No, this is not a post about how my service in the projects of the inner city and all of the amazing work that I did. (Although, perhaps then you would be so much more impressed with me).

No. This post is about projects that I finished in the last couple of weeks.

Here's the deal:
I'm really good at finding and starting projects. Buuuut not so good at finishing them.
However, in the last couple of weeks, I have been really efficient. And I thought I'd share them with you. So here we go!

These are my New Years Resolutions. I have not started on most of these, but writing things down is the first step, right?

These are the Valentines I made this year, or a third of them. I made 12. They ended up so cool that I framed 4 of them. Man, I love Harry Potter.

This is the map that I made. I saw the idea on a vinyl letter wall that somebody had done. It was totally awesome, so I did it, too. Mine's just way smaller.

This is my paint chip wall art. Seriously. Paint chips. They're free! This one may change. We'll see.
So, there you have it. I'm just really excited about these. So, I thought I'd gloat about my massive amounts of creativity and talent/being able to tweak other peoples' projects.