Wednesday, August 29, 2012


Let me tell you a story. 
Once upon a time, I lived in Utah. 
And in Utah, at BYU, there is a thing called ward prayer. 
It's a nice little arrangement where on Sunday nights you go and have prayer with your ward. Maybe a song. Maybe an activity. But mostly prayer. 
My last year in Utah, I didn't go much. It was at least a block away, meaning I would have to walk (blech!). 
But I did go once. 
I remember walking there seeing a young man in my ward carrying what appeared to be a banjo case. 
My heart did palpitations. 
Once the activity had begun, he extracted the banjo from the case and played "Come thou fount of every blessing."
My heart melted. 
Had he not been 18 and about to go on a mission, I would have proposed marriage to him right there on the spot. 
Instead, I just gained a great love for the beautiful instrument of the banjo. 
Most people don't understand it. 
I find it incredibly attractive. 

It doesn't make sense...but I like it all the sudden

Please don't get me wrong.
I still don't understand this song. It makes no sense to my head at all.
Why is it hard to look right at him?
How did you miss him "so bad" before you met him?
I really don't get it.
However, apparently this song is popular. Whatever. (that's an understatement. You all know it is)
So, apparently that means that really cool people end up covering it.
And all the sudden I kind of like it.
But let's be honest. It's only because it's Jimmy and Nate and Jack and Andrew.
Girl (or boy. I don't know who's reading this), please.

Tuesday, August 7, 2012

I got bruises (alright)

Okay, first, you should probably listen to this song while you read this post. Because it's what I was listening to while I was writing it. And it's a pretty awesome song. And by "pretty awesome," I mean that I love it.

I've always been a little bit...morbid?
But I feel like if I'm in pain, everyone should be able to tell. Not because I'm complaining about it incessantly, no. I want an outward physical proof.
Like bruises.
However, this is not always the case. I actually don't bruise very easily on most of my body. (Except for my upper thighs. Which people hardly ever see.)
So, yesterday, when I was running and inadvertently jumped into a hole, heard my ankle pop, and went down, that is obviously what I thought about (after, of course, the blinding pain running through my foot and "how am I going to get back home").
It hasn't really bruised yet, but I know it's coming. There's some discoloration, but it's deep.
So, at least through the pain and torn ligament, there will be something to show for it.

Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Happy Birthday, Harry!

Do you know what yesterday was? It's my sister Jeannine's birthday. And my grandparents' anniversary. So that's really cool.

Not to downplay those two momentous occasions, because I love my sister and my grandparents very much, but it was also Harry Potter's birthday.

And I felt like there weren't enough posts on my blog devoted to him or his journies (or Ron and Neville. You know I'm goin' be puttin' those two visions in here). SO! Here we go.

Tears. Every time. 

Watch especially from 1:48-2:22

You know what? I don't even care that I just stuck about 7 hours worth of HP stuff up here. It's obviously needed. The world doesn't have enough Harry Potter. Ever. We ALWAYS need more.