Tuesday, August 7, 2012

I got bruises (alright)

Okay, first, you should probably listen to this song while you read this post. Because it's what I was listening to while I was writing it. And it's a pretty awesome song. And by "pretty awesome," I mean that I love it.

I've always been a little bit...morbid?
But I feel like if I'm in pain, everyone should be able to tell. Not because I'm complaining about it incessantly, no. I want an outward physical proof.
Like bruises.
However, this is not always the case. I actually don't bruise very easily on most of my body. (Except for my upper thighs. Which people hardly ever see.)
So, yesterday, when I was running and inadvertently jumped into a hole, heard my ankle pop, and went down, that is obviously what I thought about (after, of course, the blinding pain running through my foot and "how am I going to get back home").
It hasn't really bruised yet, but I know it's coming. There's some discoloration, but it's deep.
So, at least through the pain and torn ligament, there will be something to show for it.

1 comment:

  1. bahahahahahahahahahaha I can picture the whole thing!! I miss you falling down a lot!
