Sunday, August 1, 2010

and the waving wheat, it sure smells sweet, when the wind comes right behind the RAIN!

so, i moved to provo 3 years ago from oklahoma.
there aren't a whole lot of people here from oklahoma.
when you say "i'm from oklahoma," you usually get the same response
"OOOOOOOOOOOOOKLAHOMA where the wind comes...
do you know that song?"
i love that question.
it makes me laugh a little. of course i know that song.
we sang it all the time in elementary school.
it's the state song. we really like it there.
it's also an awesome movie.


  1. Mom said, "get yourself home, were the waving wheat, does smell sweet, because I tired of waiting."

  2. That's what I said when I found out.

  3. i also always got asked if id ever seen a tornado, or if id ever been on an indian reservation.

  4. um, the first question should be rhetorical. and the second one... the whole state is an indian reservation. idiots! (read that last word like napoleon)
