Saturday, August 6, 2011

Yo, we ain't afraid of Brooklyn! It's just Spot Conlins makes us a little noivice.

Well he don't make me noivice.
(He really doesn't. I had SUCH a huge crush on him when I was little. And when I was a teenager. And now.
I mean, honestly, who didn't? When he takes his hat off? And flips his hair? Beautiful).

Anyways. This is not actually a Newsies post. This is a post about Brooklyn (I spent a month there one night. Ok, seriously stopping with the Newsies quotes now).
And why you should all be very proud of me.

I don't know if many of you know this, but I have a horrible sense of direction.
I get turned around really easily.
(Don't ever ask me to be navigator. It probably won't end up well)
Kathleen likes to tell a story about my first time driving.
I didn't know how to get to the church. That I had been going to since I was 10 months old.
I asked which way I went as soon as we exited the drive way.
(I don't pay attention if I'm not driving, ok?)
SO, when I'm going to a new place, I usually like to have detailed information of how to get there.
Yesterday, when I was going to Brooklyn for the first time, I Google Maps'd the directions of how to get to where I was going. Because Google Maps is the best, true dat, double true.
Well, that's usually the consensus. Yesterday, however, Google Maps failed me.
It told me to take the F train from Union Square, transfer to the A train, then get off at High St. and walk to Grimaldes.
That sounded great to me. Until I got to Union Square station. Guess which train doesn't stop there? Yeah, you got it. The F.
So, I looked very touristy, pulling out my subway map and redirecting my route.
I eventually made it to High St., and knew I was in the right area, since I could see the Brooklyn Bridge. But I couldn't find Old Fulton. So, I found a Brooklyn map on the street. Then I found where I was going.
So, just like that one time when Dia and I were lost in Downtown Tulsa and read a map to get back home, I channeled my father the truck driver, and used a map to find my way to pizza.
Because I'm amazing.
Then I walked through the Lincoln Tunnel
(or across the Brooklyn Bridge).

1 comment:

  1. you could call us Aaron Burr from the way we droppin Hamiltons!
