Thursday, April 26, 2012

Adventures in Stock Photos.

It's possible that this is going to be the beginning of a series of posts. 
I have spent a lot of time over the last few years looking for stock images. 
I don't know if you guys have ever looked at stock photo sites, but they can be pretty entertaining. 
Most of the time, you get what you ask for. 
Sometimes, however, you get what you don't ask for. You get what no one has ever asked for. 
And sometimes, you are just super entertained. 
So, for a little while, I've been collecting some of my favorites.
I thought I'd share them with you. 
the search criteria for most of these was business. 

 This was a fun one to find. I asked for business, and this popped up. I looked at it and said "he is an attractive business man." Thank goodness that is the actual description of this photo. 
Of course I'm going to add a clock photo. I just love how incredibly terrified this 17 year old young man looks upon realizing that it is 7:34. GASP!
 This makes perfect sense to me. Why would you not want to sleep on the hard cement floor of an empty workspace? It's perfect for your back. 
This is how I walk in to my place of work every morning. With ballet. Because that makes sense for non-ballerinas. 
 In case you were wondering about what a disected rose looks like, here's your chance. Ta-daaaa!
 I also build the Death Star while at work. out of rounded Jenga blocks (I'm so good at that game!)
 Harry Potter. Enough said. 
 The description for this photo was "a man in a white suit." I would like to amend that to "a bum in a white suit"
 Alright. The next two were my favorites. I could not decide which one was the best. I couldn't decide. These are the best things I've ever seen. However, you must understand how much love I have for these two. 

First, this one was captioned "business man and business woman-handshake." Really? I believe that the most important aspect of this picture was left out. The fact that the "business woman" IS A GHOST!!!!!!!!!! She's not there. She's mist. She's vapor. She's dead. Wow. 
 And last, but absolutely NOT least is the following. Because, of course, when you think of businesses, you think of DOGS IN BOWLER HATS. What else would you think of? Absolutely nothing. This is the epitome of business. Obviously. 

1 comment:

  1. HAHAHA! That dog made me literally lol. And also, why is that ballerina worker wearing such a short skirt? That can't be comfortable at work.
