Monday, April 2, 2012

These are my thoughts

1. I don't like caraway seeds. It's not that I truly hate the taste (although it's not my favorite), it's because "Caraway" inevitably (yes, Alison, I did just wiggle my toes) reminds me of the Carrows. You know, the evil sibling duo from Harry Potter, of whom I'm certain that, had there been more character development, I would have hated as much as Doloris Umbridge. And I really hate Umbridge.

2. I received a HAND WRITTEN thank you note today. From who am I receiving notes that have me so excited? Why from my very favorite company of all time. The wonderful world of Poppin. They just wanted to thank me for my order. I think my affection has moved from a crush to down right obsession. It's a good thing I'm not currently in New York, or I would be the first ever company stalker. I love Poppin. There. I said it.

3. I want my hair to grow faster.

4. I'm officially spending my Memorial Day weekend in Utah. Or, I will be when I book the ticket. But I for sure have the days off. Woot.

5. I'm planning on moving into an apartment above a shop on Main Street in BA. You guys have no idea how excited this makes me. I just need to go talk to some people. And find out how much it costs. And do it to it, Lars.

6. How amazing was Elder Holland's talk on Saturday? Am I right, am I right?

7. If you ever have the opportunity to watch general conference, play laser tag, play fugitive in downtown Tulsa, and hang out with your sister all in one weekend, JUMP ON IT.


  1. I already have a list of funtivities for May, it is going to be the

  2. I NEED POPPIN IN MY LIFE ASAP. uuuuugh. money. elder holland's talk was amazing. SO RIGHT.
    i wish i was moving into that apartment with you. weird? naaaw.

  3. I mean, second string? am i right?
