Wednesday, April 25, 2012

What the blogger.

Here's the deal. I'm all for making websites look good. Innovation is absolutely fantastic.
You know what I'm not all for? FORCING CHANGE ON PEOPLE!
Let's just remove agency from people. Thanks, social media. I appreciate it. I'm glad that blogger took away what I was used to. Facebook's gearing up to make my life a living timeline.
I just wish that they would at least give me some warning.
Or give me a website I can navigate, at least.


  1. I agree! It took me like, five minutes to figure out how to view and approve a new comment today. Ridiculous. And also, Google seems to be making everything white to look streamlined or something, but here's what I have to say. Colors were invented for a reason. The end.

    1. true that. I just want more color and less scary gone-ness.

  2. agreed, Alison! I wish there was more color too.

  3. i just don't get it. i hate it. they think they're making it easier, but IT'S SO HARD.
