Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Hi, I'm Carrie, and here're some things you might need to know.

I just have a lot of thoughts and opinions sometimes. I also have a blog.
These two things together = you guys get to read about my thoughts.
Unless, of course, you choose not to read my blog posts.
That's cool.

My least favorite chore is mopping.
You always think, "Oh yeah, it takes like 5 seconds to mop. Totally not even a big deal." Then you actually start the process. You remember that you have to sweep the floor first. And move those permanent fixtures of your house, like the kitchen table, to do so. When do you EVER move your kitchen table? Never. But it's necessary. If you didn't, how could you sweep up the food that got pushed under your table? (gross, I know, but it happens to all of us)

In addition to my perfectly rational fears of dogs, whales, and oompa loompas, I have a strange, inexplicable aversion to moths.
It's like they're doing their best to fool you into thinking their butterflies. Then they eat your clothes. Ugh.

I watch entirely too much TV.
Seriously. You don't even want to know. I remember once listening to a conversation in class where people were saying "Oh, I don't think our TV is ever on for more than 30 minutes a week." I decided they were lying. My TV is on for WAY longer than that, but like I said, you don't want to know, so I won't give you specifics. But, I will tell you, I'm definitely getting my money's worth out of my Netflix subscription.

My iTunes takes up more gigs than anything else on my compy.
I just like music.

I love teen drama TV/movies/books.
If it's a coming of age, slightly sarcastic look at the teen life in high school, I'm sold. Don't ask me why, but I just love stuff like that. Dawson's Creek? Yes. The O.C. Definitely. Sarah Dessen, bring it on. I watched "Prom" last night. I liked it. I'm just being honest.

I lose things a lot.
Today I lost my parents' trash can for about 15 minutes. I had put it in the living room while mopping. I just couldn't remember.

I like to watch Disney Channel Original Movies, if only to yell at the screen about how dumb they are (
Camp Rock? Aweful. So bad. But I finished it. Sadly).
And sometimes I actually like them.

My right foot just fell asleep.
I hate that.

I wish I didn't have to wear glasses or contacts.
But, I'm too afraid to get lasik. That freaks me out.

I wish I knew how to pogo stick. And tap dance.
Not at the same time, obviously, that would be a train wreck.

If I could eat grapes for every meal for the rest of my life, I'd jump on that.
I love grapes. I always want them. Maybe I'll own a grape farm in the future. That would be awesome.

I'm totally jealous of Tom Haverford's D.J. Roomba.

I wish I had a Roomba so I could do that. (Daisy, you need to do that. NOW)

I also wish I had a trampoline.
Those things are awesome.


  1. Haha! I laughed the whole way through this. You are great! :)

  2. i love this post. i love you. why can't we live together?

  3. Carrie Ann! I watched PROM too and I loved it! I also love the OC and you you! I also have my TV on for many hours of the day!
