Thursday, September 1, 2011

Oh, hey, guys. I'm back.

So, I guess I should change the header on my blog, since I'm no longer in Manhattan.
I am now living in Oklahoma, mmmhmm.
BUT! Before I left, I had visitors.
First, Jeannine came to visit me. It was awesome. She came into New York, and we had a blast. We went to see How to Succeed in Business Without Really Trying.
With none other than Mr. Harry Potter, and it was AWESOME! Daniel Radcliffe has found his calling, and it is called Broadway. It was really good. Also, I almost made us miss the show, since I got us lost, and we had to run down 45th street for 3 avenues. But, we made it. Also, it was raining. And this taxi sprayed water all over me. Jerk. But the show was amazing. And we ate fried zucchini that was delicious.
The next day, Jeannine and I went to Serendipity. Have you ever been served something at a restaurant where when they handed it to you, you thought, "this is going to taste good." Then, it exceeds your wildest dreams. Beyond everything.
That's what happened when Jeannine and I ate the Pineapple Upside Down Cake Sundae.
We had a hard time deciding on our dessert, but the Sundae kept calling our names. It said it had "nutty cheese cake." And we wanted that.
So we ate it. Did I mention it had cake? The cheesey kind? It was beautiful.
Sadly, though, our next meal that day was not as good, our sandwich actually looked like a turkey had thrown up on it. And there was no cranberry sauce. NONE!
And we didn't even get the cheesecake.
We also went to lots of fun places, like the American Girl Doll Store (did you know that they have a salon for your dolls? Awesome)
and the NBC Experience Store (Boom boom boom...Muffins! I may have bought a Saved By the Bell calendar) and FAO Schwartz (there was a Muppet section. An entire section. Whaaaaat?)
Then, she sadly had to go back to Oklahoma. And her flight left way late, but she had to be at the stupid airport for 4 stupid extra hours. Instead of staying at my house.
But, the weekend was amazing. I loved every second of it. Even the gross turkey ones at Carnegie Deli.

Then my mom, Mary Anderson and Ginger Myers came to visit. We stayed in Soho, right down the street from Little Italy and China Town. (Did you know they sell buckets of live frogs there? Disgusto) We walked the Brooklyn Bridge, wandered Central Park, and basically walked all over Manhattan and parts of Brooklyn. It was amazing.
We ate a ton of great food. That's what happens when you stay in Little Italy. There's a lot of Italian food (a shocking lack of pizza, though).
Also, there was a hurricane. We had to get my stuff out of my apartment early, since my apartment was in an evacuation zone. The cab driver taking us from the Upper East Side to Soho was the creepiest man I've ever met. He actually offered to sell my mom to Africa to give money to his family. I know you may think he was joking, but I'm pretty sure he wasn't. I think he actually wanted to ship my mom and all of my stuff to Africa. It was creepy town.
But, we weathered the storm, and did not die. And we actually made it home safely.

So, now I'm in Oklahoma. Woohoo.
This is the statue at the beginning of Newsies. I found it.


  1. a. you moved?! why?! okay. i guess i'll just come visit you in OK.
    b. can he really sing? that part makes me nervous.
    c. YOU FOUND ITTTTT!!!!!!!

  2. Love it!! Sounds like you had so much fun!! And that dessert looks AMAZING!!! I WANT THAT!! Also, I'm glad you didn't die from the hurricane! Love you!

  3. 1. That cake looks ridiculous and tasty.
    2. I like your hat.
    3. "I have done some horrible things. I mean, at one point I'm pretty sure I sold a woman. I didn't speak the language, but I shook a guy's hand, he gave me the keys to a Mercedes, and I left her there." Good thing that didn't happen to your mom by that creepy taxi man.
