Monday, September 12, 2011

Stream of Consciousness

If the camera on my compy were working, maybe I'd have a picture for you.
Of my blond hair. Whaaat?
Thanks to my seester, Shmathleen.
She's gonna have a baby soon, and she still did my hair.
Cuz she's cool.
Also, I didn't die in a hurricane or an earthquake.
And I have a car now. Woot.
And I'm back in Oklamahoma.
Now I want to leave you all with this.
Just because it's funny.


  1. i loved that episode. mostly because of troy's freakout. IWANNASEEYOURHAIIIIIIR.

  2. this is much better for everything. who got you an escort? whaaaaaaat!!!!

  3. well, daisy, the bulleighs gave it to joel and kim, who gave it to cassy and brandon, who gave it to me. so, cassy and brandon did.
