Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Welp, that's depressing.

Ok, so I don't usually discuss topics like this on here, because, well, I don't want to sound like one of those stupid girls who's obsessed with getting married and dating and has nothing else to think about.

But seriously, when you've hit the point where the girl you worked with that ate food (from other people's plates) out of the trash can is married, I feel like your chances are getting slimmer.

I mean seriously. The food went from a plate that was taken away from someone who was finished with it, put into the trash can, then she picked it out of the trash, and PUT IT IN HER MOUTH.

And she's married.

I'm not saying I'm never going to get married, or that I'm an old maid by any means, but when you're what's left after the trash eaters, you realize there might be something wrong.


  1. seriously?! a trash eater got married?!
    what is this world coming to?

  2. First, barf. Second, my friend and I have this theory that there are less crazies in the world than normals. Therefore, the crazies can spot each other easier and get married first. We however have to weed through the crazies and the normals to find one that fits. So, the longer you have to wait, the more normal you [theoretically] are. ;)

  3. Maybe he also eats out of the trash can!
