Thursday, September 22, 2011



Today, this little sugar is getting a sister!

Hoorah! Everybody welcome Margot Jean Rawlinson!

Sunday, September 18, 2011


I just think it's awesome to spend the night painting my nails this color:
And watching TV with these fellas.
Boom boom boom... muffins!

Thursday, September 15, 2011

I have hair.

And a camera. Yay.

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Welp, that's depressing.

Ok, so I don't usually discuss topics like this on here, because, well, I don't want to sound like one of those stupid girls who's obsessed with getting married and dating and has nothing else to think about.

But seriously, when you've hit the point where the girl you worked with that ate food (from other people's plates) out of the trash can is married, I feel like your chances are getting slimmer.

I mean seriously. The food went from a plate that was taken away from someone who was finished with it, put into the trash can, then she picked it out of the trash, and PUT IT IN HER MOUTH.

And she's married.

I'm not saying I'm never going to get married, or that I'm an old maid by any means, but when you're what's left after the trash eaters, you realize there might be something wrong.

Hi, I'm Carrie, and here're some things you might need to know.

I just have a lot of thoughts and opinions sometimes. I also have a blog.
These two things together = you guys get to read about my thoughts.
Unless, of course, you choose not to read my blog posts.
That's cool.

My least favorite chore is mopping.
You always think, "Oh yeah, it takes like 5 seconds to mop. Totally not even a big deal." Then you actually start the process. You remember that you have to sweep the floor first. And move those permanent fixtures of your house, like the kitchen table, to do so. When do you EVER move your kitchen table? Never. But it's necessary. If you didn't, how could you sweep up the food that got pushed under your table? (gross, I know, but it happens to all of us)

In addition to my perfectly rational fears of dogs, whales, and oompa loompas, I have a strange, inexplicable aversion to moths.
It's like they're doing their best to fool you into thinking their butterflies. Then they eat your clothes. Ugh.

I watch entirely too much TV.
Seriously. You don't even want to know. I remember once listening to a conversation in class where people were saying "Oh, I don't think our TV is ever on for more than 30 minutes a week." I decided they were lying. My TV is on for WAY longer than that, but like I said, you don't want to know, so I won't give you specifics. But, I will tell you, I'm definitely getting my money's worth out of my Netflix subscription.

My iTunes takes up more gigs than anything else on my compy.
I just like music.

I love teen drama TV/movies/books.
If it's a coming of age, slightly sarcastic look at the teen life in high school, I'm sold. Don't ask me why, but I just love stuff like that. Dawson's Creek? Yes. The O.C. Definitely. Sarah Dessen, bring it on. I watched "Prom" last night. I liked it. I'm just being honest.

I lose things a lot.
Today I lost my parents' trash can for about 15 minutes. I had put it in the living room while mopping. I just couldn't remember.

I like to watch Disney Channel Original Movies, if only to yell at the screen about how dumb they are (
Camp Rock? Aweful. So bad. But I finished it. Sadly).
And sometimes I actually like them.

My right foot just fell asleep.
I hate that.

I wish I didn't have to wear glasses or contacts.
But, I'm too afraid to get lasik. That freaks me out.

I wish I knew how to pogo stick. And tap dance.
Not at the same time, obviously, that would be a train wreck.

If I could eat grapes for every meal for the rest of my life, I'd jump on that.
I love grapes. I always want them. Maybe I'll own a grape farm in the future. That would be awesome.

I'm totally jealous of Tom Haverford's D.J. Roomba.

I wish I had a Roomba so I could do that. (Daisy, you need to do that. NOW)

I also wish I had a trampoline.
Those things are awesome.

A love affair...with food.

Guys. I love Cumin.
I am fully aware that this is a strange exclamation to make.
When talking about food, most people would finish the sentence "I love..." with cake, or fillet mignon, or chicken alfredo. Or bacon.
Don't get me wrong. I love those things.
But I really love cumin. If I could put cumin in everything, I would. They should make cumin ice cream, cumin cupcakes, and cumin popsicles. But only if they tasted good, but since they don't, I'm not going to try and figure out how to make them right now.
But, I'm eating chicken salad with cumin right now. Awesome.
Just stick it in anything you want to (but mostly savory things. Not the sweet, I think that would be gross, like we discussed above).
I wish you could just eat spices straight without barfing.
Ok, I'm going to stop discussing my crush on cumin now.

Monday, September 12, 2011

My thoughts on driving.

As I mentioned before, I now am the proud owner of a 1996 Ford Escort SE.
Actually, you might not need "the means." I don't think they're really going for that much.
Anyways today, while driving, I had some thoughts.
1. You do not need match your motorcycle outfit to your motorcycle. Especially when your motorcycle is bright yellow.
2. Dude who was walking across the street while I was driving, why did you wink at me? You're like 30 years older than me. creeper.
3. I hate tailgaters, yeah, silver car, I'm talkin' to you. Jerk.
4. I think I like having ooold cars. Don't get me wrong, I'm sure I would love a new one, but the old ones feel like they have so much character.
5. I wish there was someone to be in the car with me, so we could play zitch dog.

Stream of Consciousness

If the camera on my compy were working, maybe I'd have a picture for you.
Of my blond hair. Whaaat?
Thanks to my seester, Shmathleen.
She's gonna have a baby soon, and she still did my hair.
Cuz she's cool.
Also, I didn't die in a hurricane or an earthquake.
And I have a car now. Woot.
And I'm back in Oklamahoma.
Now I want to leave you all with this.
Just because it's funny.

Saturday, September 3, 2011

Book Club, part 2

Alright guys, here's the second installment of my running (albeit sporadic) commentary on The Magic Christmas.

When the curtain opens back up on our favorite blue/green eyed twins, we see them waking up on Christmas morning with absolutely no excitement about the impending family tradition. So little excitement, in fact, that they let Todd play Santa Clause. Gross!

Todd gets his basketball, not curling iron, so he's happy in his life. Jessica and Elizabeth each get really cool presents, but neither one cares because the "most amazing presents in the entire world" that they gave were not appreciated beyond their wildest dreams.

The last presents opened are the special ones from G-Pop and G-Money (thanks to Jameson for those awesome nicknames). The girls excitement spikes a little. Is it diamonds? That really cool purple dress with the shoulder pads from the mall? Who knows?
Yeah, Jessica totally would have worn that dress.

They know. As soon as they open them and find Harlequin dolls.
This is not Jessica and Elizabeth's year. First they have the biggest fight ever about their presents, and now their grandparents don't understand that they are way too old to play with dolls.

These aren't just dolls, explains G-Money (foreshadowing). The dolls, of course, come with a lesson. They are creepy family heirlooms passed down for generations, first belonging to the twins' great grandmother and her (shocker!) twin sister.
These twins also had a falling out and said they'd never speak to each other again. They were in love with the same man. Both Jessica and Elizabeth think that this is a stupid reason to fight. Why in the world would you fight over you future? Idiots. The older twins never spoke after their fight, because the one that wasn't engaged to the man got him arrested for illegally manufacturing moonshine (which he wasn't actually doing).
Obviously Elizabeth and Jessica's fight is much more legitimate. Fighting over presents definitely trumps fighting over husbands.

The dolls' faces mirror Jessica and Elizabeth's faces, but they are mixed up (as pointed out by Todd. He was using his noggin). Jessica has the stoic and solemn one, where Elizabeth has the goofy smiling one.

The dolls also have riddles around their necks (ugh! more homework!?). Which have painfully obvious answers, but neither girl seems to be smart enough to figure it out. Let's see if you can!:

Together apart,
Wheels on a cart.
Unite all these things:
Eyes, feet, and wings,
Scissors and socks,
Hands found on clocks.
Dolls harlequin.

(Great rhyming. I know)

Together apart,
Joined from the start.
Answer this well,
Escape the dread spell.
Answer again,
And magic's your friend.
Add a good rhyme,
Escape one last time.

After moodily listening to the story of their ancestors (who cares about that?) the twins drift off to sleep more disappointed and upset than they were that morning, with the added creep factor of the dolls sitting in their rooms.

The girls don't get a good night's sleep, and in the middle of the night, at the same time, they both suddenly wake up knowing the answer to the riddle (pairs!).

As soon as they realize that wheels on a cart come in pairs, the strangest thing starts happening. The dolls slowly start transforming from creeptastic dolls to very attractive boys who just happen to be their age! (I like to think of this as looking an awful lot like what Harry and Ron look like when they turn into Crabbe and Goyle).

Liz chases her smiling doll out of her room, down the stairs, and out the door. While he's tall and humanesque, his mouth has yet to be fully functioning. As he steps in to the glittery, gold light of the street lamp, he tries to motion to Elizabeth not to follow him, but she's too dense to understand. She follows him right into what we will soon find out is called the "vortex" and gets swept away.

Meanwhile, Jessica takes a more hands-on approach to the Alice in Wonderland dream like state she's just been shoved into. She won't allow her doll to leave her bedroom, which in turn makes her bedroom the vortex, and she too gets taken to the Hidden Kingdom (dun dun dun).

Ok, kids, now that we're out of Sweet Valley, this book is about to get a LOT more interesting, so you should probably stick around.

Teaser of what's to come: The twins escape death by mysterious creatures, try to figure out their feelings, and make something out of nothing.

Thursday, September 1, 2011

Oh, hey, guys. I'm back.

So, I guess I should change the header on my blog, since I'm no longer in Manhattan.
I am now living in Oklahoma, mmmhmm.
BUT! Before I left, I had visitors.
First, Jeannine came to visit me. It was awesome. She came into New York, and we had a blast. We went to see How to Succeed in Business Without Really Trying.
With none other than Mr. Harry Potter, and it was AWESOME! Daniel Radcliffe has found his calling, and it is called Broadway. It was really good. Also, I almost made us miss the show, since I got us lost, and we had to run down 45th street for 3 avenues. But, we made it. Also, it was raining. And this taxi sprayed water all over me. Jerk. But the show was amazing. And we ate fried zucchini that was delicious.
The next day, Jeannine and I went to Serendipity. Have you ever been served something at a restaurant where when they handed it to you, you thought, "this is going to taste good." Then, it exceeds your wildest dreams. Beyond everything.
That's what happened when Jeannine and I ate the Pineapple Upside Down Cake Sundae.
We had a hard time deciding on our dessert, but the Sundae kept calling our names. It said it had "nutty cheese cake." And we wanted that.
So we ate it. Did I mention it had cake? The cheesey kind? It was beautiful.
Sadly, though, our next meal that day was not as good, our sandwich actually looked like a turkey had thrown up on it. And there was no cranberry sauce. NONE!
And we didn't even get the cheesecake.
We also went to lots of fun places, like the American Girl Doll Store (did you know that they have a salon for your dolls? Awesome)
and the NBC Experience Store (Boom boom boom...Muffins! I may have bought a Saved By the Bell calendar) and FAO Schwartz (there was a Muppet section. An entire section. Whaaaaat?)
Then, she sadly had to go back to Oklahoma. And her flight left way late, but she had to be at the stupid airport for 4 stupid extra hours. Instead of staying at my house.
But, the weekend was amazing. I loved every second of it. Even the gross turkey ones at Carnegie Deli.

Then my mom, Mary Anderson and Ginger Myers came to visit. We stayed in Soho, right down the street from Little Italy and China Town. (Did you know they sell buckets of live frogs there? Disgusto) We walked the Brooklyn Bridge, wandered Central Park, and basically walked all over Manhattan and parts of Brooklyn. It was amazing.
We ate a ton of great food. That's what happens when you stay in Little Italy. There's a lot of Italian food (a shocking lack of pizza, though).
Also, there was a hurricane. We had to get my stuff out of my apartment early, since my apartment was in an evacuation zone. The cab driver taking us from the Upper East Side to Soho was the creepiest man I've ever met. He actually offered to sell my mom to Africa to give money to his family. I know you may think he was joking, but I'm pretty sure he wasn't. I think he actually wanted to ship my mom and all of my stuff to Africa. It was creepy town.
But, we weathered the storm, and did not die. And we actually made it home safely.

So, now I'm in Oklahoma. Woohoo.
This is the statue at the beginning of Newsies. I found it.