Friday, May 7, 2010

a little belated celebration.

ok. i had plans.


we're talking crazy plans. confetti. pinata (pretend there's a tilde above that n). funny hats. face painting. petting zoo. pony rides. maybe even a clown. crazy crazy plans.

ok, maybe my plans weren't so big. maybe there wasn't a clown. but i was going to mention it. i was going to say something. then i missed it. i had something else to say. obviously meaningless, since i don't even remember what i said.

so i'm sorry. i missed 50. then i missed 60. these are huge milestones in a blogger's life. 50. big times. 50. and 60. bigger than 50. not as important, but numerically bigger.

so, on this, my 62nd post, i offer celebration. pet a zoo, bash a pinata (again with the tilde), and laugh at a clown. because i am prematurely 62.

and, of course, ride a pony.


  1. I'm dylskinh yout nloh. stalking your blog. (That's what you get when your fingers are on the wrong keys.) Cute, funny, entertaining.

  2. me too, i seriously check to see if you write something new every day. ok, i confess. more than once a day.
    i love you my seester.
