Wednesday, May 19, 2010

oh woof.

i may have said it before, but i am afraid of dogs.
a lot of people don't understand this. how can anyone be afraid of dogs?

let me tell you.

when i was little, my family had a dog named bingo. bingo hated kids and girls, both of which i was. she bit me and my sisters any time we touched her.

when i was about 10, my neighbor's dog bit my bottom lip. yeah. my bottom lip.

every time someone tells me their dog doesn't bite, it will inevitably bite me.

and the newest reason:
today, on my way home from class, there was a dog. it was little and followed me, so i stopped to pet it. i took a chance. this went well, for a couple of minutes. then the people i was pretty sure were its owners started to go inside, so i kept telling it to go with them, but it wouldn't. i tried to check its collar to make sure that it did for sure live next to me. as soon as i touched its collar, it FREAKED OUT! it barked and yelped, and scared the freaking crap out of me. i screamed.

then i thought...this is why i'm scared of dogs.


  1. You did scream. Right into my ear.

  2. bahahahahahaha! remember when bishops dog was so happy to be sitting on me and then you pulled him onto you and you felt something wet?!?! hahahaha! i love this post!

  3. oh, yeah, i forgot about the bishop's dog peeing on me. ugh. dogs.
