Tuesday, May 4, 2010

slap a belly on me and call me pregnant.

Dana K. do not read this post! i'm serious. i'm doing this for your own good. this is not the monster at the end of this book. it will not end up being a good post for you in the end. it will make you cry. i repeat. DO NOT READ THIS DANA K!

occasionally i have cleaning rampages. i start, i go, and i just can't stop. i (once again) blame my mother. she's a clean freak. and i love her for it. fun fact about my mother: when she was a teenager and going to bed, if she needed to remember something in the morning, she would move something out of its place, and in the morning, the fact that it was moved would remind her. (that was a really long sentence). anyways, she kept a very clean house. i'm not my mother, but i do like clean things. i can deal with clutter and chaos, but once i start, i go. like nesting.

today, it started with suddenly running out of dishwasher detergent (k, it wasn't so sudden, it was a long time coming) but i started with cleaning the dishes, and then i didn't stop.

then i got to the bathroom. i needed to take out the trash. it was important. then i actually emptied the trash. and saw what was at the bottom of the trash.

(***dana, if you think you are grover and have continued to read this, stop right now. stop stop STOP!***)

here's an interesting fact about living with dana. she is afraid of hair. this is a very transmittable fear. maybe not fear, but nausea? yes.

anyways, the trash. at the bottom of the trash, there was hair. lots of it. and somehow, it was wet. and smelled. it was gross. i gagged. (good thing i'm not actually pregnant. it would have been bad)

just so you know, it was here when i moved in. it wasn't my fault. just gross.

maybe this was too much information. if so, i'm very sorry. you don't have to read this post. it is a tad on the gross side. actually, it owns gross street in gross town in grossland in the country of gross on the grossest planet. a lot of gross.


  1. dana would have trouble doing what i do every day.

  2. she doesn't like to talk about people doing hair. her cousin does it too.

  3. Thank you Carrie. I was having the withdrawls!!!!

  4. ohmygoshohmygosh

    why can't i just listen when you warn me not to read things? and in your spare time could you please come up here and clean out my brush? its getting desperate

  5. yes, i will come and clean out your brush. i love you. and, i did tell you not to read it. you just didn't listen.
