Saturday, March 19, 2011

Today, I have to do this:

ps. I did not draw this. I stole it from a Hyperbole and a Half,
although since I just told you where I got it, it's not actually stealing.

But, yes. I have to clean ALL OF THE THINGS today. My room has become a sordid waste land of laundry and trash. I think I've mentioned before that I'm busy, stressed, sleep deprived? Anything ringin' a bell?
Well, to be perfectly honest with you, the first thing to go when I become so stressed, tired, and sleep deprived is the cleanliness of my dormitorio (that's espanol for bedroom).
So, today, I have to do the laundry, take out the trash, change my bedsheets, dust, and water ALL of the plants. Big time cleaning that I have to do.

1 comment:

  1. i'm the same way! i will always clean my room before tackling everything else. i tell myself it's so i can think better but deep down i think it's a form of productive procrastination.
