Monday, June 13, 2011

No more smiling. And no more sheep.

Yesterday, I was walking home.
And I was wearing my sheep sweater. (I love that sweater, but it seems to draw a lot of attention to me).
It was a little late, and I passed by a guy, kind of thuggish, who was looking at me and saying something about sheep. I wasn't paying attention, because I was whistling the score to Pride and Prejudice. The one with Keira Knightly. I smiled at him.
This was a bad move.
Let me repeat that.
Thuggy McPatterson decided to try to get my attention for the next block. I just walked faster and didn't look back. He didn't follow, just yelled. Something about sheep. Very appealing.
Then I got on the subway and decided that I needed to stop smiling at people, so they would stop yelling at me. I'm too inviting, and this is not always a good thing in New York.


  1. i love your sheep sweater. I'd probably yell at you too.

  2. picture of sweater please.
    also, please don't get killed while walking on the scary new york streets.

  3. Carrie Ann! Stop being so friendly!!! And don't smile at thuggish men!! HELLO!! You're not with your brown friend who can protect you!! *On a lighter note, I too love your sheep sweater!
