Sunday, June 19, 2011

Now for the Ocean.

Now, Let me tell you, this room gave me the heebie jeebies.
Why?, you ask.
Because of the life sized whale that was hanging from the ceiling.
So terrifying.
But, I couldn't stop looking at it. Or taking pictures of it.

I actually took more than 2, but they didn't turn out that well.

And now for my nephew's favorite joke:
What is a shark's favorite snack
A peanut butter jelly fish!
This eel's face is awesome.
See? So cool. I can't decide if I would name him Flotsam or Jetsom.
You can tell Professor McGonagall that, should she be missing the giant squid, it is in the museum. Hanging from the ceiling.
I finally understood the term "sea lion" when I saw this majestic creature.
And his baby is awfully cute.
This crab made me think of Kathleen. I'm sure she's freaking out right now.

I'm not going to lie, I don't really see the connection between manatees and mermaids.
This is an elephant seal. Kind of an ugly bugger, isn't he.
The female looks more like a rodent of unusual size, though.
This little guy was just so cute, I couldn't handle it.


  1. that whale has always frightened me. imagine being eight and seeing that sucker staring at you. it still haunts my dreams.

  2. ew! why would you even post that. i'm going to go post a giant oompa loompa now. jerk.
