Friday, June 3, 2011

Some other things I saw today.

This is made out of little lego hats.
I was going to eat here, but the line looked like I would have had to wait there for about 7 hours.

I also went into a place called Dylan's Candy Bar.
Let me paint you a picture.
Imagine Willy Wonka's original shop. Before he built a factory. When he was making his candy in the back of a shop and selling it in the front. Do you have a picture of this in your head? What that shop would look like?
That's what Dylan's Candy Bar looks like.
There are MANY bright colors, exciting music about candy, and old candy commercials playing on the television.
Also, instead of terrifying oompa loompas, the workers are nice people who tell you they like your sheep sweater.

Candy stairs.
Candy logo in the floor
Candy for your pet
Candy pillow for your bed
Marshmallow suckers
Chewy stuffed animals
This shirt is reall blurry, but I liked it a lot.


  1. i really want a chewey stuffed animal.
    also, some candy.

  2. I'm also envious of this candy shop... SERIOUSLY!!! JEAL-ous!
