Monday, August 30, 2010

first day reported

Ok. So,
I love my prophets class.
Family finance sounds daunting but good.
If I don't get in the early section of account planning I might cry.
If I do get in, I have two classes with Katie, if not I have none.
But my other comms class?
You know how there are always those people that you PRAY aren't in your classes?
Yeah. They are.
How did that happen?

Sunday, August 29, 2010

I'm turning my life around.

From now on, I will be using capital letters in my posts.
Before, I was too lazy, but now, I'm doin' it.
Just thought you all should know.
Carrie's goin' punctuationally correct.

a boquet of sharpened pencils.

I used to love the first day of school.
I would lie awake in bed the night before, quivering in anticipation.
Who would I meet?
Who would I have classes with?
Would my teachers be amazing?
Would I find my calling in life, lying dormant within me, just waiting to pop out during algebra or environmental science or Shakespearean literature and exclaim, "It's ME! You want to work with ME for the rest of your life!"
I was always
so excited that I couldn't handle my life.
I just really loved school.

However, this year I don't seem to have that same excitement.
I haven't packed my backpack yet (that's new, in high school, my bag was packed at least 2 weeks in advance).
I wasn't excited to go get my books.
I didn't want to set up my schedule (which just caused me extra stress, as now I'm not in all of the classes I need to be in).
I feel more excited to get up and go running than I do to go to class and start a new semester.

This is my last first day of school in the fall, and I think that the reason I'm not excited is because, well, I'm scared.
After this year, I will no longer have the comfort of knowing that every year, I will get myself out of bed in late August/early September, put my bathing suit in the drawer for the winter, pick out what I'll wear, exchange the novel for the text books, and truck myself off to class.
That's the problem. I like patterns. I like stability. As much as I do like change, sometimes, I don't love big ones.

So, tonight, I will brush my teeth, I will wash my face, I will lay out my first day of school outfit, I will dutifully go to bed early, and I will probably sleep soundly with no inkling of a quiver.

Which makes me a little sad.

Saturday, August 28, 2010

wow! 4 posts in one day!

guys! i did it again.
i missed 200. dag yo.

Friday, August 27, 2010

be kind, rewind.

i'd like to start this post by saying that i'm not very nice in this aspect.
in most aspects, i'm very nice.
but, if you're hoping to read a nice little post about how i always rewind movies, you should probably just stop reading.

my family is a little bit technologically challenged sometimes.
we didn't get a computer until roughly 1999.
we didn't get a cordless phone until around 2001.
i didn't have a cell phone untill 2 years ago.
when i went to college, my mom didn't think i needed a compy.
so, it's not hard to deduce that we didn't get a dvd player when they first came out.
we had vhs and vcr's all up until i was a junior in high school.
with the exception of about 20 movies, the entirety of our movie library is vhs.

my dad owns a lot of movies. mostly on vhs.
he also hates it when we don't rewind them. he gets very angry.
(well, by very angry, i mean that he gets extremely annoyed. he usually says something like
"hrmmph how come no one ever rewinds these movies? it's aggravatin' hrghrghrg"

kathleen and i like to aggravate my father.
i'm not really sure why. if you annoy him too much, he
will tackle you to the ground and lick your face. it's gross. and makes you do this:

so, again, i'm not sure why we do it. perchance it's because we truly enjoy pushing buttons. and my dad has a lot of buttons to push. so, we push them. a lot.

one summer, kathleen and i were sitting around trying to figure out how to push said buttons, and one of us (i don't remember which, but i'd like to claim ownership) had a great idea. a light bulb pinging idea. we would watch all of my father's movies... and NOT rewind them.

so, we spent that summer watching his movies.
we watched
all of the original star wars,
all of the indiana jones,
all of the adams family,
all of the batmans,
all of the supermans,
and yes, most of his westerns (even though we don't love westerns)
about 700 bugs bunny cartoons,
the lion king,
and anything else that we could think of that my father would watch.

and we didn't rewind a SINGLE ONE!

i would like to illustrate the beauty of this plan. dad wouldn't be watching all the movies right after we did. he would watch them over a period of two or three years. he would probably never realize a pattern, that every movie he wanted to watch were not rewound. therefore he could neither get angry with us nor lick our face. he would just get very annoyed every time he put on a movie. it was perfect.

i don't even know if he's realized it yet. and that was four years ago.

books on my head.

remember in middle school when the sixth graders would walk around holding their books on their heads?
like it made it easier to carry them if they were balanced on their heads.
then, some of the kids, (usually the ones who wore yugioh and pokemon shirts every day) kept doing it in seventh grade. and eighth grade.
i was just thinking about that today.

seasons change.

alright, so i live in a very TALL apartment building. and heat rises.
also, it is hot in Provo.
so, from logic, we can deduct that it is hot in my apartment.
very hot.

upon returning to my apartment and remembering this problem, i saw three options:
1. i could be constantly running the swamp cooler and pay 9 billion dollars a month for utilities.
2. i could stuff my bra with ice cubes like i did when i ran cross country.
3. i could buy a fan.
as i don't have 9 billion dollars and i have no desire to spend all of my time soaking wet with melted ice, i opted for the third.

so, i trucked my little self on over to the local wal mart.
i was going to buy a fan, and i was going to have it on ALL THE TIME!
i had happy little dreams of having it blow straight on me all night. and putting it in front of my head so i could pretend to be a model.
i was very excited.

i marched right over to the aisle where i assumed the fans would be.
in the fan aisle.
there are only ceiling fans in the fan aisle.

i found box fans, but they're 15 dollars, and i'm poor.

so, after meandering directionless-ly around wal mart, i decided to ask someone where they kept their fans.
this was another adventure, because even though there were 2 thousand people in wal mart that day (can you say incoming freshmen?) there were no workers
(think mitch in empire records "doesn't anybody work in this store?")
so, i finally found a woman unpacking boxes.

"hi, i have a question. where do you keep your smaller fans?" i asked, sweetly.
"oh, sweetheart, we don't have any more of those." she said in her hick accent (huh? wal mart doesn't have fans?), "they're seasonal items, and once we ran out they were all gone."

seasonal items. fans.
you're walmart. you sell swim floaties in december and hot chocolate in july.
but fans? no. those are seasonal items.
obviously not needed in AUGUST!

Thursday, August 26, 2010


it feels like my brain is 10 times larger than it's supposed to be.
and it's throbbing.
why you ask?
because, that is what happens when you get 2 hours of sleep in a night.
and don't take a nap.

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

short norman

so, for the past three days, i've been living in Norman, OK with cassy and brandon.
brandon started school on monday, and cassy graduates in 5 days (yaya!)
so i'm helping to take care of this little sugar
for those of you who don't know, Norman, OK is the home of the University of Oklahoma.
OU is where brandon is attending school.
so, i have seen the campus a couple times.
and several of the people on the campus.
i am not kidding, every single girl i have seen on campus or walking around Norman was wearing these
really. every single girl.
maybe this is just an OU thing.
maybe there's a safety issue that says that all girls must be ready to RUN away at a second's notice.
maybe this is a fashion trend that's sweeping the nation but hasn't hit BYU yet (we do have a strict dress code).
it was a little strange, though, to see all those girls wearing exactly the same thing.

Monday, August 23, 2010

let go, baby hippo!

so, remember middle school? and how it was awful?
well, i saw a movie this weekend.
it was amazing.
i don't think i've laughed that hard ever. seriously.
so, what you need to do is go rent this movie, and watch it 35 times.

because it really is that good.

the benefit of the doubt

sometimes when i see people who are dressed funky,
i like to think that there are two options as to why they are dressed that way.
1. they just don't know how to dress themselves
2. they are actually wizards trying to fit into the muggle world.
i prefer the latter

Saturday, August 21, 2010

the most glorious place on earth (when you're speaking about furniture stores)

there is a place that i love.
it's called ikea.
i don't know if you've ever heard of it.
or been there.
but it is a beautiful place.
i want to live there.
this is what it looks like inside
isn't it pretty?
don't you want to live there for the rest of your life?
i'm going to buy this lamp from ikea.
i just have to go to ikea.
which is not a problem, because i LOVE it there.

Friday, August 20, 2010


so, when we were little, kathleen and i changed the words to songs.
not because we didn't know the words,
not because we didn't like the words,
but because we thought the words were inappropriate.
i would like to clarify that my parents did not spoon feed kathleen and i inappropriate music.
we just felt that singing about alcoholic beverages was somehow immoral.
so, we sang different words.
they didn't rhyme,
they didn't sound good,
but we felt good about it.
we started singin bye bye miss american pie
drove my chevi to the levee but the levee was dry
and good old boys drinking orange juice and grape juice
singin this'll be the day that i die, this'll be the day that i die.
jeremiah was a bullfrog
was a good friend of mine
i never understood a single word he said,
but i helped him drink his grape juice
and he always had some mighty fine grape juice.

Thursday, August 19, 2010


ok. so, i made a mistake earlier this year.
i decided not to register for my classes when i should have.
(don't know why i did that, don't know why i did that)
i'm signed up for enough credits, but not the ones i want.
so, today i went to fix it.
there are two problems.
1. everything is full.
that i expected. school does start in two weeks.
2. everything is in the evening.
what the heck? i work in the evenings.
i don't understand.
what is wrong with having classes between 9 and 4?
when did that go out the window?

Tuesday, August 17, 2010


this is my niece Jeannine Blair:she's 8 years old and will start 3rd grade tomorrow morning.
she's also 1/3rd of a way through the 7th harry potter book.
she's read them all by herself. no one is reading them to her.
she's awesome.
this is her sister Adia:
she's 6 and is starting 1st grade tomorrow.
she is hilarious.
she's also awesome.
here is a tidbit of a conversation that jeannine and adia had the other day.
it made me laugh.
really hard.

Adia: "i want to kiss a boy"
Jeannine: [to her mother] "i think she's too young for snogging."

yeah. you're all wishing you had such awesome nieces.

Monday, August 16, 2010

taaaaaake ooooon meeeeeeee (take on me) taaaaaaake meeeeee ooooooon (take on me)

so, today, my sister kathleen came to see me.
she likes me.
and she does my hair.
and she's awesome.
so my hair looks awesome.
this is before.
and this is afterthen we got excited.
and did this:

and we listened to a-ha.

Thursday, August 12, 2010

hot hot heat

i am now in oklahoma (hooray!!!!)
i love oklahoma.
i love the fact that there are no mountains.
i love that my family all lives here.
i love my parents' house.
i love the library.
but, there is one thing that is no bueno.
it is hot here.
i'm not talking about warmth.
you know, where it's a little uncomfortable but doable.
i'm talking about serious heat.
the kind of heat that is fatal if you spend too much time outside.
the kind of heat that hits you like a pound of bricks when you walk outside.
the kind of heat that kills cacti.
yeah. the cactus is dying.
that's hot.
but, you know, it could be worse.
i could be going to school in this heat.
like all of the kids in oklahoma.

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

some thoughts about flying

1. i don't understand why they give peanuts, but not pretzels. i'm not a huge fan of peanuts, but i always end up starving by the time i get to the plane, so i eat them anyways. erg.
2. there was a guy on my flight from Salt Lake to Denver with a diamond studded nose ring. also, ALL of his clothing items were too big for him. his shirt came to his knees, his shorts to his mid shins, and his shoes were HUGE. he looked like he was drowning.
3. even when i know it's coming, i really hate the landing part. i feel like i'm about to crash. it's scary.
4. i should really stop flying when i'm tired. it just makes me cranky and hate everyone.
5. when you look at airplanes head on, they look like angry white killer whales who'd like to smash your face in
6. in about 3 hours, i should be home. thank heavens.

7. i always feel cramped in airplanes. being cramped gives me a headache.
8. why do people drink on airplanes? do you really want to trip and slur your way off the plane?
9. wow. flying he same day as finals makes me very negative. i am sorry.

Monday, August 9, 2010

final countdown

you should probably listen to this song while you read this post.
i listened to it while i wrote it.

2 hours of class
1 day of finals
4 hours of tests
1 day of packing
1 meeting
7 meals
2 nights
1 fhe
1 paper
3 days
and i am going
with no school
no work
no tests
no papers
it is time.



when i was younger, there was a rule in my house:
no writing on your hands.
did i always follow this rule?
i would just scrub my hands really hard before i went home.
when i forgot to wash off the evidence, my punishment was extra chores.
sadly, this rule didn't do what my mother hoped it would.
i do write on my hands.
i'll go clean the bathroom now.

western union!

we're back to the oldies music.
i know.
you're all saying
"carrie! we know you love oldies music! just shut up about it already"
(i hope you don't want to tell me to shut up, then what would i write? nothing)
but i heard this song for the first time in a long time today.
and it reminded me of my pretty sister kathleen.
when we were little and would see signs for western union, we sang the chorus of this song.
western unioooooooooooooooooon
we were actually really good at it.
i'm sure if you asked, we'd perform it for you.
we're really nice like that.
for right now, though, you can just listen to the song.

Saturday, August 7, 2010

it's a nervous habit.

when i get stressed/nervous, i occasionally chew on my bottom lip.
when i get really stressed/nervous, i chew on my bottom lip a lot.
this week, i was really stressed.
the inside of my bottom lip is raw. and swollen.
and i keep biting it.


and i'm back in the game.

i have a confession to make.
i love zac efron.
there. i said it.
i'm not as bad now as i used to be.
my sophomore year, i had upwards of 12 pictures of him hanging on my wall.
now i only have one.
and it's purely for nostalgic purposes.
(mostly. i mean, seriously, it's this picture:would you take it down?)
well, today, my love came back with a vengeance.
why, you ask?
because i went and saw this moviephoto courtesy of
this movie was amazing.
i loved it. so much.
and not just because i have a monster crush on zac efron,
but because it was actually legitimately a good movie.

it was intriguing,
it was not at all what i thought it would be.
i almost cried (which is big for me. i don't cry in movies often) several times
i'll probably watch this movie again. and again. and again.
and own it someday.

Friday, August 6, 2010

the penguin man

how does he do it?
the was raised by penguins.
in a sewer.
so, how does he get those clown guys and women dressed like marie antoinete to do his bidding?
where does he meet those people?
where do they come from?
and how awful must their lives be if they choose to hang out in the sewer with a creeper with a black tongue?
photo courtesy of

Wednesday, August 4, 2010


i bought an umbrella.
it looks like this:photo courtesy of
only it's for rainy times, not the beach.
anyways, it's a pretty umbrella.
one i am dying to use.
here's the problem.
i never know when it's going to rain.
so, i'm up a creek without a paddle.
or, in a rainstorm without an umbrella.
that phrase makes more sense.
dag yo.
it's just so pretty.

connect Kevin Bacon to Zac Efron (fun fact number 16)

ok, so i really like the web site imdb.
i don't know why, but i do.
i am convinced that this is the reason i'm good at the game "6 levels of Kevin Bacon"
or, if you're playing with alison, "a bunch of levels of Zac Efron"
give me a combination of zac efron plus an actor or kevin bacon and an actor, i will connect them.
i'm awesome.

*fun fact? i play 6 levels of Kevin Bacon in my head when i'm bored.

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

i'm obsessed

this site has the cutest clothes i've ever not been able to afford.
i want everything.
the dresses.
the jeans.
the stripey shirts.
the BIG flowers.
the shoes.
the purses.
i want to look like the girl.

i want someone to take pictures of me in new york (?) looking extremely cute.
i want to own baby ducks.
i want to sell clothes.
seriously. can you imagine how cute i would be if i had this outfit?:
photo courtesy of

i don't know about you guys,

but when i get tired, EVERYTHING bugs me.
today, i was really tired in my shakespeare class.
and the kid behind me was eating.
don't ask me what he was eating, it's possible that it was
the bones of a small animal,
ivory cheerios,
or diamonds.
actually, the whole time he was eating, this is what i was thinking about:
when i first saw this, it seemed like an exaggeration,
now, i know it's based on fact.

Monday, August 2, 2010

why do people say "have a good monday?"

mondays are, by definition, crappy days.
personally for me, mondays mean that i realize that all of those things that i was supposed to do over the weekend, but didn't?
they come back with a vengence.
clawing and ripping.
snarling with their massive fangs.
(just so you know, those things that i'm supposed to do are personified in the form of the abominable snow man)
so mondays are really scary.
so why taunt me by saying "happy monday?"

some thoughts on my life

1. this morning, on my way to school, for a brief second, campus smelled like moth balls. this reminded me of when i was little and my mom would pull out our "new" (read "hand me down") clothes at the end of each summer. they always smelled like moth balls.
2. i didn't sleep well last night. this week is busy, and my brain wouldn't turn off. i ended up having to listen to harry potter to fall asleep.
3. i really love fried eggs. when the yoke is runny and you dip your toast in it. i've eaten at least 6 in the past 4 days.
4. since i woke up at 6 and ate my breakfast at 6:45, i am currently ready for lunch. at 10:33. that's no good, since i didn't bring food for lunch and may not eat till 4.
5. for my shakespeare class i am performing the final scene of hamlet. star wars style (yes, there will be light sabers)
6. i really want to take a nap.

why is it...

... that every time i sit down at a mac on campus,
and put my hand on the mouse,
and try to use that convenient little ball to scroll down,
it doesn't work?
but it will always scroll up?

Sunday, August 1, 2010

and the waving wheat, it sure smells sweet, when the wind comes right behind the RAIN!

so, i moved to provo 3 years ago from oklahoma.
there aren't a whole lot of people here from oklahoma.
when you say "i'm from oklahoma," you usually get the same response
"OOOOOOOOOOOOOKLAHOMA where the wind comes...
do you know that song?"
i love that question.
it makes me laugh a little. of course i know that song.
we sang it all the time in elementary school.
it's the state song. we really like it there.
it's also an awesome movie.