Monday, October 4, 2010

i just got my nails did

No, I didn't, but this post is about my nails.
I don't know if you guys knew this, but I play the violin.
I have since the 4th grade.
When you play a string instrument, you can't have long nails. It just doesn't work.
So, since I could really have a choice on how long my nails were (as in my mother doesn't cut them for me) I haven't been able to have long nails.
But, now, I'm not playing my violin everyday. I do still play it occasionally, but I'm very busy.
So, now I can grow my nails out. And I have been.
I'm very proud of them. They're very pretty.
I might cry when I have to cut them.
Ok, so, I wanted to show you my nails, but couldn't really do it without being a raptor, so here you go. Pet dinosaur out to play.