Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Justygymie? Yes. (Kathleen should watch this video)

So, I just talked about Michael Jackson, but have I told you about Justin Timberlake before?
Not as in "do you know who he is?" of course you know who he is. He's Justin Timberlake. But have I told you about my love? Well, it's a shared love. With Kathleen. We were die hard N*SYNC fans. Probably because we knew only of N*SYNC and Hanson. But, in any case, we loved them with our whole hearts.
Truly, we were biggest fans of JT and JC.
Joey had pineapple hair.
Everybody was obsessed with Lance's baby faced cuteness.
Did anybody actually love Chris? Or know what happened to him?
But Justin and JC, they were golden.
And, after the pain subsided following the break up of N*SYNC, and JC disappeared, the love of Justin grew.
We both had dreams to marry the man who brought us "No Strings Attached" and "Love Stoned." Since there are two of us and one of him, we called the effect of this Justygymie.
Although, Kathleen is now married, so I don't have to partake in Justygymie any longer. He can be all mine

Today, I have another video to share with you. I was perusing Brissa's blog, and found this little bundle of joy therein. Feel free to fall in love with Justin. I found it hard not to.


  1. GOLDEN!!
    What did happen to Chris?

  2. AAHH! i love that you love this video. and i love how i have my own label.
