Tuesday, October 12, 2010

My brain may or may not have exploded a little bit.

We talked about finances in my management class.
I don't like Numbers.
We're not really friends.
In elementary school Numbers pulled my hair and kicked sand in my face.
In middle school Numbers told the other girls that I didn't know who the Backstreet Boys were and that I had weird clothes.
In high school, Numbers beat me in every math class. And was ahead of me in class rankings.
So, today, when we discussed Numbers in my management class, a lot of bad memories came back, and caused my brain to burst.


  1. 0078442+655913548x34928348/21641567= ?

  2. carrie ann! that's how i feel every day in my finance class! except we talk about numbers every time we have class!! every time!! and taxes blllleeeeee!
