Friday, April 30, 2010

things i love #2

i like babies.a lot.
but, who could blame me, when my family has babies that look like this:

but it's not just babies in my family i like.
or just human babies.

every day, i walk by the duck pond, at least once.
and there are some really cute little things that are there. i love them. i want to pick them up and snuggle them.
but i'm afraid the mothers would come after me. and i don't like angry birds.
these are not the exact ducks. but they look like this. look how cute.

correct me if i'm wrong

but it is april, right?

(actually, almost may)

not october?

or february?

i see no candy hearts or candy corn. or candy canes for that matter.

so... why is it so cold?

what happened to spring.

and drip drip drop little april showers?

because right now we have drip drip drop little april snow.


guilty pleasure #1

ok, when i say "guilty," i don't really mean it, in this case. because that would require me being embarrassed of this love. and i am not. i will tell anyone, anywhere how much i love this movie. i could watch it on repeat for the rest of my life, and i doubt i would ever get sick of it.

maybe i should change this list to things i love #1. yeah. that's what i'll do.

things i love #1

what movie? you ask. oh, just the greatest shakespeare turned into soccer movie ever. maybe the only one of its kind.

so many great one liners.

have i seen it too many times if i know what positions they play?

(duke's a striker
andrew and toby are half backs
viola's a center forward {you know it bro})

if you've never seen it, shame on you. and here's the trailer. don't even bother renting it, just buy it right off the bat. because she's the man is amazing.

watch it. now. seriously. you won't regret it. it will change your life. because then, when i say the following things, which i do quite a bit...

(anyways, do you know when soccer tryouts start?

she will do great things.

be a man, rub some dirt in it.

how come when i wanted to ask out Eunice, everybody made fun of me. but now Sebastian likes her and suddenly she's cool? screw you guys, i hate high school.

so, you play the beautiful game? bro... brothers... brethren?

no, man, if you wanna kiss her, you go right ahead and you kiss her. i mean, you taker her, and you kiss her, and you kiss the crap out of her.

high five...nice.


my favorite's gouda.

you're hot, monique, smokin' hot. but the truth is, you have absolutely nothing else to offer. and when my eyes are closed, i see you for what you really are. which is UUUUGLAY! WE'RE DOOOONE!

what's that?
Kia, don't look.

i was a good friend i did your hair and your make up, and that was not easy. it was not easy vi. we're not going, you're being a girl. go.)'ll know exactly what i'm talking about. and your life will be so enriched.

Thursday, April 29, 2010

the bookstore must read this blog

i had to go to the wilk today. i had to walk through the bookstore. and i thought, hmmm. maybe i should have chocolate covered cinnamon bears.

then i walked into the bookstore. and i saw the candy line. it was full.

women's conference is in full session. apparently women really like candy.

i'm pretty sure that what happened was that byu doesn't want me to break my sugar hiatus.

the freaky hair.

i showered yesterday. around 6:00 pm.
so, i didn't shower this morning.i slept on my hair, woke up, re-curled, and went.
i should have used product.
i should have blow dried.
i should have done something.
there's a freaky won't lay down.
it hates my happiness.

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

as promised

i mentioned earlier that i would post pictures of my new amazing apartment. apparently some of you (kathleen) took that a little more literally than i meant it to be. you see, my camera needs batteries (the twins are gone).however i was talking to someone (kathleen) and she reprimanded me for not having pictures up. so, i took some with my phone. the quality is crappy, but don't blame me, blame someone else (kathleen).
this is my bed. and shelves. and kitty surprise

this is my dresser. all the drawers are mine

this is my closet and my bookshelf.

my shelving. the tree picture will some day be a clock.

say anything and the breakfast club. both are very important to me.

the wind chime my dad made me. it's made out of silverware, and this picture does not do justice to its coolness.

and lastly, my comfy couches. they are amazing.

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

half a retraction

ok, maybe i was wrong.
he didn't mean august.
he meant today.
but i was right about it being a requirement for my minor.
so that's why my retraction is half.

another question

if the class is one i can take to fulfill a requirement for my minor.
and i got the e-mail that said that the class wasn't full enough and to add it.
then why would the professor say:
maybe you could have a spot
but ask again in august
and it's probably not a class for minors?

i don't understand.

Monday, April 26, 2010

a question to pose

i have three married sisters.
i have several very close friends either getting married or already married.
the majority of the roommates that i have had over the past 3 years are now married.
i have marriage on the brain.

but my question is not about real life marriage.
it's not about colors
or flowers
or rings
or dresses
or cakes
or shoes
or veils
or pictures
or food
or vows
or licenses.

it's about movies.

there is a plethora of wedding movies out there.
the wedding planner, the wedding singer, my best friend's wedding, my big fat greek wedding, royal wedding, runaway bride, bride wars, father of the bride, the princess bride, seven brides for seven brothers, the proposal, 27 dresses.

obviously, since there are so many, they are enjoyed.

but, why?

it's not that i don't like them, i do. i own a few of those above, and if any of them are on tv, i will watch them. in fact i love wedding movies.

i just had the question pop into my head while i watched not 1 but 2 wedding movies today, why do we like them so much? they're stressful, occasionally horrifying, infuriating, and sometimes sad.

and yet, we still watch them. over and over and over.

maybe we're glutton's for punishment, or maybe they just add the missing drama to our lives. like reality tv.

Sunday, April 25, 2010


i moved yesterday.
and the day before.
and the day before that.
(i did a lot of moving)
but let me tell you about my new apartment.
it's pretty.
pretty tables.
pretty couches (and comfy)

pretty pretty pretty.
it has stairs.
i've never lived in a house with stairs.

maybe that's why i can't walk up or down them.
it's really close to my building on campus.
the best part, though, is that i have my own room.
let me say that again
i have my own room.
yes, it's a tad small, but it is beautiful.
it has a cute wall that's a different color than the other three.
it has outlets that work.
it has shelves.
there's a hook on the ceiling for the wind chime my dad made me
(kay, i put it there, but still)
there's a pretty tree right outside my window.
i have my own dresser.
all 5 drawers are mine.
i don't have to worry about taking up too much space.
it's all mine.
pictures will come.

Saturday, April 24, 2010


time to shower here
time to poke the paint blister on the ceiling while i'm in the shower and wonder if it will squirt water at me
time to lock the door here
time to take my contacts out here
time to sleep here
time to wake up here
time to eat here
time to watch tv here (figuratively, i'll probably watch it with bianca)
time to brush my teeth here
time to wash my face here
time to put my contacts in here
time to live here

Friday, April 23, 2010

brissa, i understand (also fun fact number 10)

i have a friend named brissa. she's really cool. also, she has a blog. you should read it. on her blog, she wrote this post.

in case you went temporarily blind and didn't read where i said you should read brissa's blog, missed the link to the post, or you're just defiant, i will tell you the part of her post that is pertinent to my post. brissa likes odd numbers better than even numbers. she said some people don't understand. i do.

you see, i have this thing. i don't know what it's called. my sister does. Disney had it. but let me explain.

my numbers and letters have color (mostly primary, some secondary), and the numbers have personality. 2 {blue} is a baby, 3 {red} is bossy, 5 {blue} is rude, 9 {red} is a snob. for some reason, odd numbers, in my mind, are meaner than evens.

so, brissa, i understand your number predicament. mine don't agree, but i understand.

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

i'm a little scared


after i take my next test (in approximately 15 minutes) i will be a senior. in college. that's scarier than a senior in high school. and a senior citizen. i'll tell you why.

a senior in high school has a plan. they know where they're going and probably what they're taking, where they're living, what color their sheets will be when they get there.

a senior citizen gets awesome discounts and doesn't have to look when they drive.

a senior in college (especially those named carrie ann) has no plan. they (i) will graduate, intern, and then what? go home? go to europe? got to grad school? go crazy? they (i) don't know what the future brings.

and that scares them (me).

after today

my brains will be snoozin'
if i don't faint i'll be fine.

Sunday, April 18, 2010

fun fact number 9

i love the 80s.

the music, the movies, the tv shows. they're great.

listen to think we're alone now by tiffany and tell me i doesn't make you giddy with excitement.

picture courtesy of

watch better off dead with john cusack and try not to laugh.

and try to tell me you don't enjoy johnny depp in 21 jump street.

i'm not a huge fan of the hair, though.

Saturday, April 17, 2010

go for it, jack!

i love trees. i'm a little obsessed actually. but there is one tree that i wish had never left korea and come to america.

the bradford pear.

it's pretty, yes. it has pretty flowers and pretty shape, and from far away, it is the epitome of spring time prettiness.

but then you get close to it, and you wish you could cut every single flower into tiny little pieces while wearing a gas mask. why? because this tree stinks.

it smells like yeast and vomit and everything you hate in life all rolled into one, blowing in the breeze. looking at it, you'd think it had the hint of vanilla. or something pretty like that. but it doesn't. not by a long shot.

not to mention the fact that these are the pansiest trees in existence. any light zephyr and they break in half and just lie there like somebody committed a horrible tree homicide. it looks like jack the ripper went on a tree rampage. and you know what? i wouldn't blame him if he did. those trees deserve it.

Friday, April 16, 2010

fun fact numbers 7 and 8

7. i can't wear pig tales.

it's an issue i have.

it's not because i'm not cute with pig tails. i am. my sister actually used to put me in pig tails every time i went swimming because of how cute i am in them.

it's spawned from middle school and things i heard there, that i won't repeat here, but it's impossible for me. i just can't do it.

i can wear braids. i can wear ponytails.

but pig tails? it's impossible. just not gonna happen.

8. i really like having clean laundry. but that's not my favorite part of doing laundry. i realized yesterday as i did all 5 of my loads of laundry what it is. it's just so satisfying.

pulling the lint off of the lint trap. it's so much fun. extremely fulfilling. and, since i had to do 5 whole loads of laundry, and no one else empties that lovely lint trap, i did it 10 times. awesome.

the day that will live on in eating records everywhere

my sister kathleen and i were on the track and cross country teams together in high school. after track meets, our wonderful coaches would take us to a parking lot with 5 or 6 fast food restaurants in it and let us run wild for about an hour. there was one day that i am particularly proud of, and would like to share with you.

it was a beautiful day. it was clear, warm, and we had all run hard and long. we had done our best, and we were hungry. kathleen and i each had about $5 dollars. soon after the meet, we realized that if we pooled that money together, we would easily be able to get more food. so that is what we did. we stepped off the bus and saw two particularly glorious sites: Taco Bell and Arby's. we first headed to Taco Bell because, well, we like tacos. fun fact: at taco bell, tacos come cheaper by the dozen. did we hit that? yes we did. and had a contest to see who could eat their 6 tacos fastest. i'm sad to say that kathleen won.

but, it didn't stop there. after six tacos a piece, we were hardly sated. so we went to the next beautiful site we had seen. Arby's. we walked in, and the sweet aroma of curly fries hit our noses. so, we bought some. and ate them. then we saw that there was pie. so we bought that. at this point, we were running low on money, but we remembered something we had seen back at Taco Bell, and that was the gumball machine. this was not any ordinary gumball machine. it was partly gumballs, partly dollar bills. we figured, if we could get a dollar bill, or, gasp, a 5er, we could have MORE FOOD.

alas, we were not successful in the dollar bills, but we made our ways back to the bus with 4 gumballs a peice. and were happy.

and then kathleen did this:

Thursday, April 15, 2010

fun fact number 6

i really like commercials.

(this is good, i'm going into advertising, so i should like commercials)

i just thought i should share with you some of my favorite ads:

kinda like Harry Potter, but not as cool.

so my glasses broke. they fell off my night stand and in the morning when i went to find them, i stepped on them. obviously i couldn't see them, i didn't have my glasses on. i really only wear them in between contact wearings, which is only right before i go to bed and right after i wake up. so, i continued to wear them. with only one earpiece. it looked really ghetto. so, i thought. hey, tape. it worked for Harry Potter, so why shouldn't i tape 'em up? then i did, and saw why i shouldn't.

Harry Potter is not cool because he has tape on his glasses. he's cool because he's magic. and a seeker. and goes to Hogwarts. and has an awesome scar. he's cool because he killed Voldemort. and came back from the dead. and is best friends with Ron. and mastered expelliarmus. he's cool because his hair sticks up. and he can talk to snakes. and he and his posse destroyed 6 of the 7 horcruxes. he's not cool because of the tape, he's cool in spite of it.

so, a lesson for you all: tape on your glasses will not make you cool like Harry. it will just make you look like you stepped on your glasses.

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

i feel so funny deep inside, sugar high.

Gotta have it really need it to get by
sugar high - Gina, Empire Records

confession: this semester, i went a little crazy on the sugar fix. this is just a small sampling of the many things i've eaten:

chocolate souffle cupcakes with mint cream (for any of you who were wondering, these are gluten free)
triple layer peanut butter chocolate cake with ganash
chocolate/cream cheese cupcakes
chocolate chip scones
chocolate chip cookies
home-made oreos
more apple pie
apple crisp
peaches with whipped cream
hot crossed buns
reese's peanut butter cup cake
bianca's birthday cake
butterscotchery goodness
more chocolate
and so much more.

so, i believe that it's safe to say that i am sugared out. to the max.

but, i would like to school you all in a bit of scientification that my mother taught me growing up. the reason my body wants all of this candy that is listed above? because i've eaten all of that candy that i listed above. my body is used to being so pumped full of sugar that my sweat is sweet. so that's what it wants.

this is why i've made a decision. it won't be easy, but i've done it before.

starting on Thursday, April 22, the first day of my summer, i will go on a sugar hiatus.

(kind of like when tv shows go on hiatuses, but mine will not be to make more episodes, but to rid my body of the evil craving that says i want chocolate every day).

yes. until school starts again in the fall, i will not eat dessert in excess. maybe i'll go to ice cream once in a blue moon, but i need to get rid of the sugar that is running through my veins where my blood should be. (i'm not going to exclude natural sugars like fruit, nor will i exclude starch, because all i want to eat this summer is peaches, blueberries, watermelon, and pasta salad, and that would nix all of those things)

we'll see how this goes.


i have a pain
a pain in my mouth
on the right side of my mouth
in the teeth part
teeth pain
or, as i like to call it, t-pain

Monday, April 12, 2010


have you ever looked at one word for so long that it just looks wrong? i know how study is spelled. s-t-u-d-y. my spell check confirms it. but, if you look at it for too long, it doesn't look right. this has happened to me so many times. work looks wrong. color looks wrong. they're right, they just don't look it.

fun fact number 5

i'm really good at blowing bubbles.

bubble gum. soap bubbles. fun bubbles.

any bubbles, i'm awesome at.
(i can blow a bubble inside of a bubble. suck on that)


My formula for living is quite simple. I get up in the morning and I go to bed at night. In between, I occupy myself as best as I can. -Cary Grant

too bad i do more occupying than sleeping.

today, i'm running on 5 hours of sleep (read that "i'm running on CRAZY). this is what i get to do in the next couple days:

racquetball*interview*study*stats*oral report*study*fhe(barbeque at bishop's house. woot woot)*study*study*study*sleep?*wake up*D&C*study*devo*study*study*study*study*meeting*study*study*study*test*study*phone test*speech competition*glee.

then classes will be over, and wednesday, i get to study more. oh, then by three weeks from tomorrow, i get to start all over. because classes start over.

Cary, i wish i could occupy myself as best i can. right now, i'm occupying myself and sleeping as best i can. i like Cary's way better.

Friday, April 9, 2010

the middle part debacle.

i stopped wearing a middle part in about 6th grade, when i realized it looked ridiculous (plus, i didn't know how to do my hair then).

but lately, i've been seeing all these girls with adorable hair with a middle part.

see? look how cute their hair is.

so today, i decided to try it out. to revive the middle part that i've hated for so long.

i blow dried my hair, with the middle part. put it in hot rollers, with the middle part. eventually took them out. then i looked at my head.

no bueno. there's a reason the middle part has had no reappearance in my life. it wasn't horrible, but it sure (fun fact? i just spelled sure "sher." it took me a second to realize it was wrong) didn't look like the two girls above. i mean, i know that i don't have a personal stylist, but i do feel like i can adequately do my own hair.

i looked at my hair. it made me sad. i was so excited to have cute hair, but once i put back in the side part, it ended up looking boring.