Tuesday, April 20, 2010

i'm a little scared


after i take my next test (in approximately 15 minutes) i will be a senior. in college. that's scarier than a senior in high school. and a senior citizen. i'll tell you why.

a senior in high school has a plan. they know where they're going and probably what they're taking, where they're living, what color their sheets will be when they get there.

a senior citizen gets awesome discounts and doesn't have to look when they drive.

a senior in college (especially those named carrie ann) has no plan. they (i) will graduate, intern, and then what? go home? go to europe? got to grad school? go crazy? they (i) don't know what the future brings.

and that scares them (me).

1 comment:

  1. here is a witty response:
    you should be a fry cook on venus.

    Here is a non-witty response:
    you will figure it all out. you have a whole year to plan things, and if you still don't know after that, you have plenty of time. i should have graduated college last year, and i'm still not done, so you are still good. and i love you.
